The role of memorable messages in organization socialization provided an eye-opening gem on how people familiarize themselves and embrace the behaviors, values, missions, and norms of an organization. This sparked a lot of memories about my Freshman year in University and how I got through the orientation phase. As I look back, I appreciate the stunning role that the orientation program helped me get through the transition phase. The memorable messages I received during the phase influence the adjustment process and the impressions I derived from the institution. Taking an in-depth look at Stohl’s work reveals that four factors affect organizational socialization. The main factors that I resonate with include training received from the institution, understanding the context of the organization, support derived from other institution members, and the organizational future alongside the viable prospects. All these factors go to form the Organizational Socialization Inventory which helps workers socialize in the institution.
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About the experiences I derived during the community service phase, I agree with the arguments put forth in Stohl’s work. The same applies to field education experiences, I had the firsthand experience of aligning myself with the transitioning phase. I, therefore, had the opportunity to apply what I learned in the class set in a real-life environment. During this stage of my academics, I was able to implement the theoretical knowledge in a real-life environment. This helped me socialize and adapt to the needs of the organization with which I was working. As such, I got to appreciate the importance of one’s attitude and perceptions in aligning themselves with work achievements and work behaviors (“Socializing”, 2021).
All these go to show how communication aligns with the memorable messages that newcomers get from a news organization. From Stohl’s works, I got a glimpse of how I can create my career and professional identity in the anticipatory and socialization phase (Kuang et al., 2021). I learned that such messages are received through various channels. A good example is a face to face communication. However, most of these messages serve to create a positive professional in the organization settings.
The paper also revealed that the messages revealed during the anticipatory socialization process help people determine their professional identity. I also appreciate the important role that socialization plays in indoctrinating and training people. The paper also outlined the various stages of socialization. The two main stages were anticipatory or vocational socialization. I learned that this stage involves people’s experiences before joining a specific organization. This allowed me to learn about how media, family, and peers influenced my career choice. The other phase is the entry phase, this stage refers to the beginning of one’s career. After this stage, I learned about the metamorphosis stage where one becomes active as a member of the organization. Lastly, I learned about the exit stage where one departs from the organization.
The other important takeaway from the paper involves the relationship between acculturation and communication. Both of which happen in a process known as socialization. At this point, Stohl (1986) mentions that memorable messages are an ideal form of communication that comes in handy during the socialization process. As pointed out by Stohl (1986), there are two characteristics of memorable messages. First, the individual recalls these messages over the long term, thus empowering them to appreciate the organizational values and behaviors. The second aspect involves perceiving these messages as influencing their own life.
Of great interest to me is how memorable messages impact the anticipatory stage in socialization. First, I learned that the anticipatory phase has individual experiences and knowledge which was gathered before entering the organization. Part of the reason this phase helps people build their professional identity. Such an identity constitutes a combination of learned concepts and experiences. Understanding this showed me that my learned experiences impact my professional identity. As Stohl (1986) reveals memorable messages have their greatest impact in the socialization phase and not in the anticipatory phase.
Anticipatory socialization is often developed before one joins an organization. For this reason, I found out that beliefs and expectations affect how communication is carried out in both informal and formal settings. This phase determines how people feel towards the institution. This point outlines how people collect information about the institution from both informal and formal sources (Orrego Dunleavy & Yang, 2015). These combinations of factors often affect their choices. Both of which determine the kind of professional identity they have. Another important factor involves socialization contexts such as school. According to Jablin (2001), school, friends, family, media, and peers are major sources of anticipatory socialization.
Various components of identity include religion, gender, and organizational position or role from idealized societal roles (Hart, 2012). Therefore, many constraints affect identities. Such is the case with leadership and gender roles. This points to the idealized societal rules which govern how an individual should communicate and behave. This is evident in job roles that are considered masculine while others are considered feminine. The construction of individual identity in the workplace follows underlying rules which are constantly challenged or reinforced. Such is the case with race or gender roles. Memorable messages that people receive affect the kind of discourses that people have (Stohl, 1986). As pointed out above, the individual-organizational relationship is affected by discourse. Therefore, the organizational entry has its discourses that are affected by memorable messages.
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