Things Employers Could Do To Increase Job Satisfaction Of Their Staff


Job satisfaction attracts important attention from practitioners and researchers alike across disciplines. To many workers, job satisfaction implies being self-content with individual work. It refers to the extent in which people are satisfied with what they do. The happier the employees the more satisfied they are in their work. Job satisfaction is normally rated based on various aspects that include job security, promotion prospects, associations with supervisors, total pay, and ability to work based on personal initiative, work hours and actual work itself. However, job satisfaction according to Shallal (n.d.) is impacted by other factors that include demographic aspects that include gender and age, to workplace factors that include self-esteem and organization involvement. This paper focuses on developing job satisfaction model identifying main improvement to be made by the employer to increase job satisfaction.

Increasing Job Satisfaction in an Organization

Individual job satisfaction is influenced by a number of aspects. One of the main aspects includes individual expectations. According to expectancy theory, person’s job satisfaction assessment is a discrepancy function between individual job expectations and what the person receives. The theory proposes that to increase satisfaction, the employer can either rise employees reward or lower their expectations (Friend et al., 2013).  Job satisfaction is determined by a number of factors which according to Abdulla et al. (2010) can be grouped into two broad groups that include environmental aspects that pertain to aspects related with work environment or work itself. These factors include supervision, promotion, and salary. The other category is demographic factors which center on individual characteristics and attributes that include age, sex, and level of education as well as factors associated with work experience that include years of experience, shift work, and work level . According to Abdulla et al. (2011), job satisfaction is absolutely correlated with the level in which people’s work satisfies their requirements. Based on the fact that employees in any organization are not demographically homogeneous, it is anticipated that workers satisfaction will vary across subgroups. In this regard, organizations are advice to focus more on adjusting environmental factors to increase on individual level of satisfaction. This includes checking on the level of salary, promotion opportunities, climate management, appraisal systems fairness, and agreement with co-workers. To increase job satisfaction level based on employees’ demography, organization should focus more on enhancing diversity management and inclusion.

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