Tips On Operating a Successful Restaurant

Food Safety Plan

Food safety is one of the main requirements in food business. It highly determines the kind of business one should have since food safety plays a major role in determining food business success. Food safety plan in this case will be guided by the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point principles. Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point is a system of management where in food safety is addressed via the control and analysis of physical, chemical, and biological hazard from production of raw material, handling and procurement, to consumption, distribution and manufacturing of the finished product (, 1997).

The first step will involve analyzing the food hazard which involves the analysis of food growing process for farm products. This analysis will include evaluating the chemical used in the farm, and other product growing process, and evaluating the quality of the product supplied to the company. To ensure safety, the company will only receive farm products both plants and animals that are satisfied by organization body that checks on the farm produced. The company will also ensure the source of water is certified for human consumption to eliminate water borne disease. I will also analyze the available building to ensure it can enhance the cleanliness of the place

The critical control point in this company where food hazard can be controlled include plants growing point, animal rearing and slaughtering point, water treatment point, and food preparation stage, food storage stage, and food serving point. This simply implies that that only the approved suppliers will be allowed to offer their products to the company. Then the company will employ its measures to ensure that no contamination takes in the company during the food preparation.

The critical limit for supply products will be based on the set agricultural requirement while that of water will be based on the government requirement limits. The preparation, storage and serving hygiene will be maximized to ensure the attainment of food safety level.

To ensure that the established standards are always observed I will employ a quality assurance personnel who will ensure that the required food safety and quality standards are met in every supply, food storage, preparation and serving process. This mostly apples to fresh farm products, that include plants, meat and milk; processed products which include packed cereals, and flour should have the national satisfaction mark and not expired. All this should be assured and recorded by the quality assurance personnel in the restaurant.

The restaurant collective action is rejection of all supplies that do not meet the company identified standards. This includes farm products, water or processed and packed products. Any product that does not meet the company standard will be sent back to the supplier at supplier’s cost. Provision of substandard products for more than two times in the contract period will result to contract cancellation. In addition, any food that does not satisfy the preparation, storage and serving hygiene procedure will be disposed and not served to the customer. This cost will be incurred by the staffs on duty at the point where the negligence took place. However, if this food gets to reach a customer and a complaint is filed, this cost will be incurred by the quality assurance personnel. Thus, the quality assurance personnel should ensure no unsafe food products gets to the hands of customers (, 1997).

To ensure that the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point procedure is working as intended, the quality assurance personnel will employ regular inspections to all parts of the hotel after every one hour, and special inspection in the kitchen after every 30 minutes. Some of the monitoring procedure includes:

  • Inspection of supplies before they are approved
  • Kitchen cleanliness inspection after every 30 minutes or less
  • Inspection of food preparation and cooking process
  • Inspection of the food storage area prior to storing
  • Inspection of the restaurant general cleanliness
  • Inspection on hygiene observation while serving the food.

All this will be fully recorded and measures taken for those who will not satisfy the required conformities.

The quality assurance personnel, senior chef and senior server will all have a check book. The senior waiter and chief chef will record any non-conformity and write a report on how it took place, time, who was involved and the action take. The quality assurance personnel will have a checkbook where all inspected areas are ticked if they comply in every single inspection and remarks section at the end of every inspection. A different checkbook will be used to handle supplies (, 1997).

Food Production Procedure

The three menu items to be considered in this procedure include tea, Mashed potatoes and beef. Below is their preparation procedure:


Tea cooking will require water, milk, tea leaves and sugar. Tea will be cooked using water supplied through piping system into the restaurant. Tea leaves and sugar will be ordered from a wholesale shop in town and be stored in the restaurant store observing the temperature and the expiry date. Milk will be ordered daily from one of the nearby milk processing plant. The milk should be pasteurized and processed on the day of deliver. It should also have a lifespan of not less than less than 2 days. The restaurant will be making daily order from the plant and thus, it will be anticipated to order what can be consumed within the day and if any of the ordered milk remains it should be stored in the fridge but not for more than 36 hours. Milk will be put in the fridge immediately after arrival and should only be removed when being used. Only the amount to be used will be taken out of the fridge. Tea preparation will include boiling of water and putting it in the water pot. The milk will then be boiled and put in the milk pot. The customer will then be provided with three tea leaves bags, an empty cup, sugar dish containing sugar and the two pots. Two tea spoons will also be included in the serving tray.

  Mashed Potatoes

The company will order potatoes from different farm stores that satisfy the required food safety and quality measures. Potatoes will be ordered on weekly basis. The ordered potatoes will be inspected by the quality assurance personnel and stored in the company’s food stores where in gunny bugs places on a wood raised surface. The chef in charge removes the amount that need to be cooked from the gunny bag and leave the rest in the bag. The potatoes are prepared by pilling off the outer cover of the potatoes to be cooked and washed in clean running water in the sink. The cleaned potatoes are put in a cooking pot, little water is added and enough salt. The potatoes are then boiled in a cooking pot until they are well cooked. Any remaining boiling water is powered in the sink and the sink washed clean. The potatoes are then mashed using a cooking stick until they are even. The mashed potatoes can then be served with the stew of choice.


Beef will be ordered from the nearby farm store where cows are well reared based on the employed governmental standards. In addition, the farm must follow the required slaughtering procedures and standard to be able to supply the restaurant with the required beef. The restaurant will order the beef after every three days. No beef shall be stored in the restaurant refrigeration for more than three days. The approved beef will be stored in the restaurant refrigerator until when the chefs wish to cook it. Only the amount enough for the day should be removed from the refrigerator for cooking. The beef preparation will depend on the style in which the beef need to be cooked. It can either be fried, boiled, or roasted. The beef in this case should be prepared to make fried beef stew. The chef in charge will chop the beef into pieces using a clean chopping board and a sharp knife. To make beef stew, the chef will prepare other ingredients also obtained from the farm store.  This includes onions, tomatoes, carrots, and other vegetables of choice.  These vegetables will be ordered and inspected before they are stored in the refrigerator to be used while needed. These vegetables should be ordered after every two days to ensure freshness and quality. The beef will then be cooked by frying the onion until its brown, other vegetable ingredients are added, and finally beef is added and cooked with average amount of heat until it is fully cooked.  This will then be served based on the customer’s choice.

Cost and Cost Percentage

The food cost for the three reviewed menu item:

Tea: Milk 1 litter = $1.08, Sugar 1kg = $1, Tea leaves bags per packet = $1.5. One little of milk can manage to make three pots of tea, which will use not more than 20 tea spoons of sugar and at least 12 tea leaves bag. The only other involved cost includes the gas cost. Thus at the cost of $3.5 the restaurant will sell three pots at a total of $15 and be left with enough sugar and tea leaves to make many other cups (Stella, 2011).

Potatoes: The average price of 2 kg of potatoes in Alaska is $3.8. This can be used to serve about 4 customers. One portion of mashed potatoes in the restaurant costs $7. Gas cost for the preparation of the meal should also be considered. Therefore in total the company will sells a total of $28 at the cost of $3.8. The restaurant will therefore make a gross profit of $24.2.

Beef: One kg of beef in Alaska is approximated to be $6. While prepared for stew, this can be used to serve a total of 4 people at a cost of $10. Gas cost should also be considered. Thus, the total revenue this piece of meat is $40. Therefore the restaurant makes a gross profit of $34.

Other Costs: The restaurant does not incur a lot of transportation since products ordered from the farm house, wholesales store, and the milk factory. However, the restaurant has many more costs that include the rental cost and workers cost, gas cost, water bill and the electricity bill. This also include the cost of other small vegetable ingratiates used in beef preparation also have a certain cost though not very much. Based on this analysis it is evident that the restaurant is making a considerable amount of gross profit. However, the net profit may be lowered by constant cost the restaurant has to incur as well as other valid costs that cannot be quantified per menu item (Stella, 2011).

Restaurant Staffing Plan

The restaurant will have a number of staffs who include the quality assurance personnel, five chefs and six waiters. One of the chefs will be a senior chef while one of the waiters will be a senior waiter. It will also have a cashier and I will act as an overall manager of the restaurant. To recruit these personnel, the company will make an advert on the newspaper and in the local noticeboard. The restaurant will then wait for different applications which will be received as hardcopy or email. Those that qualify will be invited for an interview. The interview will be conducted by the restaurant partners. The interview will focus on the individual academic qualification in the respective field, past experience in the position, personal traits and individual ability to solve problems, to follow instructions, to make sound judgment and to handle customers. Recruitment will be done in form of interview where the best candidate will be picked for the position (Gusdorf, 2009).

For instance, to fill in the quality assurance personnel, we will focus on an individual who has enough education on food health and safety. The individual must demonstrate experience in food health and safety business in his or her application. The recruitment team will select not less than three applicants to be interviewed. In the interview, the interviewer will focus on individual ability to evaluate food products safety and health in the market since this individual will be responsible of identifying the best suppliers who meet safety standards. The interviewee must also demonstrate the ability to implement safety plan and to ensure a high standard of hygiene and food safety in the organization. Other quality will include interpersonal relation ability and communication ability since this individual will interact with different people and thus, can highly determine the image of the company. In chef position, one must have academic background in catering and past experience in the same. The selected candidate must demonstrate the ability to measure portions based on the anticipated number of customers. He should also be in a position of using different kitchen appliances effectively and be very hygienic. Personal character will also be considered. Finally, the aspect of wages will have to be evaluated (Gusdorf, 2009).

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