Touching the Void – Film Review

This is one of the most horrifying and frightening film that left many audience in their nightmares. The film centered about the two Brits Simon Yates and Joe Simpson, who were in their mid-20s. The two were very determine to climb a large scale west face maintained named as Siula Grande located in Peruvian Andes (Macdonald, 2004). Since the two climbers had trained well and fit to climb the mountain, they perceived that had seal and zest to try one push method used for climbing mountain. This method requires a climbers to carry with them all the gears instead of establishing caches along the route. Since the mountain was very steep and risk to climb, they decided to reduce the weight of their luggage. Their plan was to climb the mountain faster and climb down very quickly.

            Both climbers had 300-foot rope and they were planning to lower the rope 300 feet and make sure the rope get tug. This means that Simpson was necessitate to dug and anchored himself so that he create a safe zone for Yates to climb down and the process is repeated until they reach at the bottom (Macdonald, 2004). Their plan did not work as they had planned due to snow fall that slowed the whole process. Due to darkness, the two climber were left to drop the rope in unknown distance, as a result, Simpson felt down and landed in the ice ledge.            

From the film, it is clear that Simpson was unable to climb out from the crevices and the only way out was to gamble his way out using every strategy even if it seem dangerous and madness to many audience. In the morning when the light was out, he was able crawl out to the mountain side which was safe. The film “Touching the void” attempted to show to the audience that your consciousness can help someone get out of the position that is tight (Macdonald, 2004). Here Simpson was determine and bold to climb into the safety despite the tough conditions.

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