Understanding of Primary and Tertiary Health Care Management by Registered Nurses

Primary and tertiary management practices were introduced to the health sector to bolster nurse’s capabilities when confronted with emerging challenges. Primary management incorporates general nursing practice and other essential home-based care practices required by patients. On the other hand, tertiary management practices entail a concise understanding of emergency procedures, the number of specialists available and outpatient service. This allows care providers to provide acute health care services, particularly to patients with chronic health conditions. Furthermore, it also improves their level of competence through working within intermediate care units to serve patient’s needs.

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Nurses also participate directly in the decentralization of health by being at the frontline of integrating care services within the care environment. Primary management currently equips nurses with the capability to provide care services to patients outside the health facility, thus improving accessibility. They are then able to confront any emerging efficiency demand while enabling healthcare facilities to provide quality health services while preventing the wastage of resources (Qasim, 2016, p. 35). 

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Tertiary management practices also allow nurses to function optimally in a high-pressure environment plagued by numerous challenges. Nurse education has traditionally been used as tool that assures health care providers of the highest quality of care which keeps patients and improves outcomes.  Additional training also improves nurse’s competencies which is now evident in the use of medical-technical devices to treat patients outside the hospital environment. They are also accorded a unique opportunity to hone their skills and make necessary changes whenever anomalies become evident in a particular care services.   

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An understanding of primary and tertiary health care management practices also enables nurses to gain experience crucial to providing much-needed services. Competence at the workplace environment also raises confidence levels in nurses, which is then translates to job satisfaction. They also engage with stakeholders on how best to implement novel developments such as intermediate care wards which were previously unavailable. It also improves relations between colleagues, especially since they are now expected to coordinate service provision with the intent of improving the quality of services provided. Furthermore, they also expand their scope of practice to now include the mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing of patients. This ultimately fosters trust between patients and caregivers which is particularly essential when developing a treatment care plan to support the process of recovery.

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Similarly, rigorous training on best practices in primary and tertiary health care management creates a sense of professional structure within the field while espousing the need for patient-centered care. They then participate actively in providing health-promoting advice whenever required and recommend care options with minimal adverse effects. This system also allows nurses to obtain sufficient competence in advanced procedures through technical skills which now allow them to provide palliative care to patients.


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