United Way Worldwide Vs Center for Digital Inclusion – Comparison of a Large vs. Small Nonprofits

 A comparison study of a Large vs. Small nonprofits

A look forward the future can be a valuable way to understand the present and plan for the health, growth, and development of the organization. In this comparison, explore the future of Large vs. Small nonprofits, making predictions about their landscape and best approaches to ensure their success. Consider economic (corona virus), social, and political factors and the nature of nonprofits as you develop your predictions for the future of Large vs. Small nonprofits.

United Way Worldwide Vs Center for Digital Inclusion

Non-profit organizations, commonly known as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), play an integral role in society. They help to bridge the gap between people and the government by filling the gaps that the government cannot fully fill. Different communities have different needs that call for an elaborate analysis in order to establish the best ways of meeting them. The needs that various NGOs usually seek to address include education, health, environmental conservation, gender equality, and civil education, among others. A comparison of United Way Worldwide (UWW) and Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI) shows that the two non-profit organizations can implement different measures to have a secure future.

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United Way Worldwide

United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a global non-profit organization that focuses on the mobilization and distribution of funds for supporting community social programs. The organization serves as an umbrella entity for many small organizations in the United States. It is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. Through its partnership with various charitable outfits focused on community issues, the organization has been able to achieve measurable positive impacts in various communities in the country. The organization and its partners work together with government agencies, schools, financial institutions, voluntary associations, and community development corporations. The organization has three main areas of attention, which are health, income, and education (Fortune & Worldwide, 2013). The company uses a model that illustrates that the organization’s desire to operate in a manner that is a complete departure from how non-profitable organizations usually operate. As the largest non-governmental organization based on private donations, the organization focuses on providing permanent solutions to society’s problems.

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The organization employs robust techniques to ensure that it stays afloat at all times. The partnerships that it gets into are adequately scrutinized to ensure that they have the potential to contribute to the realization of its goals. Most of the donations that the organization gets are usually from payroll deductions. This type of funding is one of the most sustainable because most people sign-up to fund the organization on a renewable monthly basis. This is demonstrated by the non-profit’s ability to register record revenues of about $3.3 billion in 2019. In its operations, UWW is often called to make tough decisions based on the dynamic nature of the environment under which all NGOs work. There is always a need to balance current needs of the communities, as well as to focus on the future progress of the organization.

Center for Digital Inclusion

The Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI) is an organization that focuses on promotion of entrepreneurship and the elimination of poverty in the community. The non-profit tackles these issues through the use of technology. The organization collaborates with local partners to develop community centers in areas of averagely low income. These areas range from prisons, rural areas, areas where indigenous communities are the majority, psychiatric facilities, and remote hospitals, among others. The organization considers the dissemination of information and the widespread deployment of technology is at the center of fighting of poverty. According to CDI, digital inclusion refers to the measures taken to ensure that all members of the community, including the most vulnerable, have adequate access to information and information technology. CDI has come up with 5 areas of focus that are integral in helping it to achieve its goals. These are access to digital literacy, mobile applications and internet-based content meant to encourage self-sufficiency in terms of collaboration and participation, increasing access to affordable broadband internet, providing quality technical support, and provision of internet-enabled gadgets that are responsive to the needs of the users (Irish, 2018).

The centers created by CDI vary from one community to another. This is because most of these centers are usually independently run and self-sustainable. The students enrolled in these centers are usually tasked with identifying the most common challenges that faces the local community. This approach enables them to create the most effective work plans that can be used to address the issues. These issues could be violence, sexual abuse, crime, lack of schools, or hospitals. The students can then employ their skills to run advocacy programs and awareness programs to bring the issues to the limelight. As such, the main tool used by CDI is informational empowerment of the community.

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Future Predictions for UWW and CDI

The taxation policies are going to inform the pattern of contributions that people are going to make. Both United Way Worldwide and Center for Digital Inclusion are affected by political policies that are made at the national level, as well as those made at the local level (Mayer, 2018). Political activity will change the pattern of giving towards organizations that operate at the government level. As tax deductions inform the way individuals contribute, tax reform on reduction of individual taxes will increase people’s contribution to non-profit organizations. This means that the two organizations stand to benefit. As political instabilities continue to be witnessed in most parts of the United States and Europe, the organizations’ need to contribute more in community engagement will increase.

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The world economy has experienced damaging effects due to the current coronavirus pandemic. Most of the countries are in the world are now under lockdowns in the rush to curb the spread of covid-19. The spread of the virus has made it difficult for most economies to operate normally (Fernandes, 2020). As such, most people in developing countries and those in rural areas face unprecedented times due to reduction in access to basic needs. The role of UWW and CDI will be integral going forward as the two organizations have an interest in basic needs that affect vulnerable communities. CDI will need to devise ways through which it can increase access to information and empowerment of affected populations.

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A focus on social issues will be integral in the futures of both organizations. CDI will focus on improving its plans for solving social issues such as violent crimes and sexual abuse. There has been an increase in family-based violence during the coronavirus pandemic due to people’s prolonged stay at home (Usher et al., 2020). As such, CDI will need to focus on building capacity in different communities to handle these kinds of violence. UWW will also need to expand its investment in education programs. Many children from poor families cannot access education through digital platforms. As such, the organization will be forced to initiate more community programs to help the affected to catch up with the rest.

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It is important for non-profit organizations to create effective ways of solving community issues in a manner that is immediately useful to the communities at hand. Based on the serious and far-reaching effects that coronavirus pandemic has had. Many communities have been affected in many ways. Although governments are putting in place measures to contain the effects, it is crucial for non-profit organizations such as UWW and CDI to find ways of making a contribution now, and in the future. UWW should focus on finding alternative ways of increasing its revenues in order to support more organizations. The need for support from non-profit organizations will increase, and thus UWW will need to be prepared. CDI should also build more capacity to address social and education issues in order to mitigate most of the problems that affect concerned communities.

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