World Religion – Hinduism – What Happens When We Die?

Hinduism is one of the major religions of the world. Rebirth and reincarnation of souls after death is one of the major beliefs of Hinduism. Hinduism believes that all souls are imperishable in immortal. According to the religion, souls are part of a jiva, which refers to the limited being. Jiva is subject to the impurities of its attachment and laws of karma. Therefore, Hinduism believe that death is not a huge calamity. This is due to the fact that it is not the end of all. Instead, it is a natural process of jiva’s existence. During this period, jiva recuperates and recollects its resources prior to adjustment of its course when it returns to earth to go on with its journey. According to Hinduism, if a soul is not liberated, death and life are not permanent to the soul. Instead, they act as a part of a grand illusion. Death acts a brief end of physical activity. It facilitates the recycling of energy which enables jiva to reenergize itself, engage in a review of its programs and policies, and plan on what it should undertake in the next phase of life. Therefore, each life provides jiva with an opportunity to learn and overcome various faults, which ultimately enable it to become whole. According to Hinduism, people cannot have dislikes, prejudices, preferences, and attachment and anticipate that they would be whole. In fact, even the preference for purity acts as hindrance of wholeness at a certain stage of life. Therefore, it is vital for the soul be born continuously several times in order to overcome the state of delusion. When this is achieved, the soul realizes the state of completeness (Gibson and Wootten 57).

A jiva that goes to heaven would enjoy all the pleasures that are in heaven. This would enable it to ultimately acknowledge the fact that heaven and seeking heavenly pleasures are not the ultimate goal in life despite how intense the pleasures of heaven may be. This is due to the fact that the pleasures would not last long. On the other hand, a soul that goes to the darker world suffers the horrors of the evils it tried to encourage during its life on earth. This would make the soul acknowledge the implications of evil. Therefore, according to Hinduism, the goal of heaven and earth is to create a mind-set of wisdom and detachment to souls. However, the extent of the lessons the souls may have learn in heaven or the darker world is unknown since the souls may unlearn and revert to their old ways when they return to earth. This increases the need for many lives, which leads to learning and relearning the same lessons. This enables the should to become part of jiva’s samskara (education) (Gibson and Wootten 58).

Yoga is critical in Hinduism. It enables an individual to achieve the goals of Hinduism since it leads to quieting of the mind. The quietness of the mind is vital as it enables an individual to reflect on reality without having to impose the individual’s own subjective interpretations. Therefore, the aim of yoga is to enable the mind to capture this reality instead of creating the reality. Yoga enables an individual to avoid noise and fully think. Therefore, it stops the fight that individuals have with their own consciousness (Fields 79).

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