Trident MGT302 Course – All SLPs With Sample Answers


For the Session Long Project, you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal workplace experiences. For this assignment, think of two former or current coworkers that had unique personalities. Choose two people that you worked with closely enough that you were able to get a good idea of their personality traits and workplace attitudes.

Review the main personality traits and attitudes from the background materials, and think about how these apply to your two coworkers. Then write a 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. How would you describe the personalities of these two coworkers? Use the Big Five Personality traits and other traits from the background materials to describe their personalities the best you can.
  2. How would you describe their workplace attitudes including job satisfaction and organizational commitment?
  3. Do you think their personality traits impacted their workplace attitudes, or where other factors such as the work environment, job characteristics, etc. have a greater impact on their attitudes?

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For the Module 2 SLP, you will continue to apply the background materials to your own workplace experiences. Review the concepts of emotional intelligence and emotional labor from the background materials, and then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Continue with your discuss of the two coworkers that you wrote about for your Module 1 SLP.
  2. Discuss your evaluation of their emotional intelligence. How would you rate them on aspects of emotional intelligence such as self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills? Be specific and explain your reasoning.
  3. Discuss one or two times during your career when you felt you were being put under extreme emotional labor by your manager. How did you cope with your emotional labor?

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For the Session Long Project, you will be writing about an organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past and applying the background materials to your own experience. So the first step in this assignment is to choose an organization that you have worked for that you want to write about.

Think about your own experiences at this organization, and how motivated you were and what factors increased or decreased your motivation. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper covering the following issues:

  1. What steps did management at your organization do to motivate workers?
  2. Did management seem to apply Theory X or Theory Y for their motivation strategies? Or did they use elements of both?
  3. What needs in Maslow’s hierarchy does management at your organization try to address?

View a sample answer ( MGT 302 – Workplace Motivation ) to this assignment or order a unique answer at an affordable price. 



For the Module 4 SLP, pick an experience in your workplace when you were assigned to work as part of a team. Think carefully about your experiences working on this team, and how the concepts in the background materials apply to your experiences. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Did Tuckman’s five stages of group development apply to your team? Did some of the stages apply but not others? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced.
  2. How would you rate the cohesiveness of your team? Was it not very cohesive, or was it too cohesive to the extent that your team suffered from groupthink?
  3. Based on what you’ve read in the background materials, what do you think could have been done differently with this team to improve its performance?



For this final SLP, choose an organization that you currently work for or have worked for in the past. You will be applying the concepts of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials to this organization.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Describe how your organization rates on these cultural characteristics: detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented.
  2. Discuss how strong the organizational culture is at your organization. To what extent is the organization’s culture shared by employees and managers?
  3. What aspects of your organization’s culture do you think should be changed, and what steps would you recommend to change the culture?


SLP Assignments Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly. Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to general background materials.
  • Make use of both the required Case Assignment articles as well as the required general background materials in your paper. Apply concepts that you learned in the background materials in your answers to the assignment questions.

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