Emergence of Ebola in Africa – What Caused the Disease?

According to experts, bats are the likely source of the deadly virus. The disease can be transmitted from wild animals such as bats to humans (Arthur, 2002). Ebola viral disease is a threat to global health which makes the topic relevant to research. In this regard, this research will be confined to evaluating factors that might have led to the emergence of Ebola in African particularly in West Africa. There are many available resources that point to this topic hence the research will shed light on what might have caused the disease.

According to Sullivan et al (2000), Ebola epidemic was first recognized in 2014 which led to public health responding by putting systems and capacities to detect and ultimately prevent the epidemic. In order to have a grasp of public health planning Ebola response was grouped into such areas like laboratory surveillance and workforce development among others. For instance in Liberia, MOH established a national IMS in 2014, in collaboration with other agencies such as the US Centers for Disease and Prevention and World Health Organization that is concerned for international public health.

With the growing media coverage about Ebola outbreak in Africa, EMS response has increasingly looked for policy together with operational guidance. Given the globalization of the world, for example, it is possible to have an individual who has traveled to the regions reported to have had similar symptoms. In such cases, EMS response to the emergency may be required to handle the situation. In other words, EMS trains personnel regarding Ebola response protocols. The idea is to ensure public safety for management of patients under investigation for EVD in the U.S.

In order to combat the disease, it requires cooperation from different stakeholders such as the community and health providers to mention a few. Due to intrinsic nature of the disease, it is somehow difficult to keep track of the disease in urban areas. This is because there are many contacts that occur in these environments. For example in West African shared cabs were a common way to transmit Ebola. In light of these problems, communities have taken initiatives based strategy of monitoring as well as travel limitations (Moon et al 2015). This meant that each member of a community would be screened daily and if they showed early symptoms, they were isolated. It is no doubt that the social and economic impact of the disease will be felt even long after the outbreak has ended.a

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