Different Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) Levels and the Protection Each Provides

Redundant Array of Inexpensive (RAID)-enabled system is a system that uses more than one hard disk to either boost a machine’s performance or to improve its fault tolerance. RAID provides the machine with a safety net for any failed hardware thus ensuring that it can still operate efficiently. By so doing, RAID reduces the occurrence of production interruption and also lowers the risk of data loss (Wilkes & Savage, 1998).

The way that fault tolerance is configuredhugely depends on the RAID level that has been set up. RAID levels, on the other hand, depend on the number of disks included in the device, how critical recovering data in case of drive failure is to the user and the required level of performance. For instance, an organization might need to recover data more urgently than a home user would and thus the two entities might opt for different RAID levels. Different RAID levels are configured differently and thus they offer varying levels of performance optimization as well as differentlevels. Traditionally, RAID implementation is often in organizations that must have optimized performance and heightened fault to reliance, not in those that perceive these functions as a luxury(Wilkes & Savage, 1998). Below is a rundown of traditional RAID levels that an organization can choose from.

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This is utilized to help a server’s performance. It is otherwise called “disk striping.” With RAID 0, information is composed of various circles. This implies the work that the PC is doing is taken care of by numerous circles instead of only one.Expanding performance because various drives are perusing and composing information, enhancing plate I/O. At least two circles are needed. Both programming and equipment RAID bolster RAID 0, as do most controllers. The drawback is that there is no adaptation to non-critical failure. If it happens that one circle falls flat, then that influences the whole cluster and the chances for information misfortune or defilement increases.

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RAID 1 is an adaptation of internal failure arrangement known as “disk mirroring.” With RAID 1, information is duplicated flawlessly and all the while, starting with one circle then onto the next, making a reproduction, or mirror(Wilkes & Savage, 1998). If it happens that one plate gets broiled, the other can continue working. It is the least complicated approach to executing adaptation to internal failure and its minimal effort.

The drawback is that RAID 1 causes a slight delay performance. RAD1 can be performedby either hardware or software. At least two circles are needed for RAID 1 equipment usage. With programming RAID 1, rather than two physical circles, information can be reflected between volumes on a solitary circle. One extra indicate recollect is that RAID 1 slices aggregate plate limit down the middle: If a server with two 1TB drives is arranged with RAID 1, then theaggregate stockpiling limit will be 1TB, not 2TB.


RAID 5 is by a long shot the most well-known RAID setup for business servers and venture NAS gadgets. This RAID level gives preferable performance over reflecting and also adaptation to internal failure. With RAID 5, information and equality are striped over three or more plates.


RAID 6 is additionally utilized regularly as a part of ventures. It is indistinguishable to RAID 5, aside from its a significantly more powerful arrangement because it utilizes one more equality square than RAID 5. You can have two plates pass on and still have a framework be operational.


RAID 10 is a mix of RAID 1 and 0 and is frequently signified as RAID 1+0. It consolidates the reflecting of RAID 1 with the striping of RAID 0. It is the RAID level that gives the best execution, yet it is likewise excessive, obliging twice the same number of plates as other RAID levels, for at least four. This is the RAID level perfect for exceptionally used database servers or any server that is performing numerous composes operations. Assault 10 can be actualized as equipment or programming. However the general accord is that, huge numbers of the execution points of interest are lost when you utilize programming RAID 10.

Other RAID Levels

There are other RAID levels: 2, 3, 4, 7, 0+1…but they are truly variations of the fundamental RAID arrangements effectively specified, and they are utilized for particular cases. Here are some short portrayals of each:


RAID 2 is like RAID 5, yet rather than circle striping utilizing equality, striping happens at the bit-level. Assault 2 is at times sent because expenses to actualize are restrictive (a common setup obliges ten circles) and gives poor execution with some plate I/O operations.


RAID 3 is likewise like RAID 5, except this arrangement obliges a committed equality drive. Assault 3 is occasionally utilized aside from as a part of the most concentrated database or handling situations, which can profit by it.


 RAID 4 is a setup in which circle striping happens at the byte level, instead of at the bit-level as in RAID 3.


RAID 7 is a restrictive degree of RAID possessed by the now-outdated Storage Computer Corporation.

RAID 0 + 1

RAID 0+1 is frequently traded for RAID 10 (which is RAID 1+0), yet the two are not same. Assault 0+1 is a reflected cluster with fragments that are RAID 0 clusters. It is actualized in particular frameworks obliging elite yet not an abnormal state of versatility.

The following table shows the different cost and performance comparison of RAID disks

RAID TypeSmall ReadSmall WriteLarge ReadLarge WriteStorage Efficiency
RAID Level 011111
RAID Level 111/211/21/2
RAID Level 31/G1/G(G-1)/G(G-1)/G(G-1)/G
RAID Level 51max (1/G,1/4)1(G-1)/G(G-1)/G
RAID Level 61max (1/G,1/6)1(G-2)/G(G-2)/G

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