A Comparison of Symbols and Rituals of non-Judeo-Christian Religious Organization and Christianity

Symbols and Rituals of non-Judeo-Christian Religious Organization and Christianity

Non-Judeo-Christian religious organizations are different from Judeo-Christians. However, they have some symbols and rituals that match those of the mainstream Christians, even if they are not identical. One of them is the use of scripture as a religious guide and the holder of laws that the followers must obey. Muslims have Quaran while Buddhists Tripitaka. The sacred books in each religion focus on informing the followers of the word of God which they must follow (Nathan & Topolski, 2016). They all have a history related to the writing of the scriptures, and the respect they accord the scripture, just like Judeo-Christians do. Although different, those scriptures teach similar moral values that can be easily interchanged. Judeo-Christians can easily use some of the biblical scriptures to invoke similar religious feelings and obligations to non-Judeo-Christians.

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Prayer in non-Judeo-Christian Religious Organization and Christianity

Prayer is a common ritual to both Judeo-Christians and non-Judeo-Christians. The two use prayers as a form of speaking directly to God, to take their grievances, thanksgiving, requests, asking for forgiveness among other things. The two may pray differently, they use prayers as an important part of their faith and religious practice (Doc.wa.gov, 2013). Religions such as Muslims are required to pray about five times a day. Judeo-Christians do not have limited time for prayers. However, they regard prayers as one of the main ways to defeat evil. They are thus requested to be on their guard by being praying as many times as it is possible. Prayer is a common ritual that can be used to teach non-Judeo-Christians about Christ.

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Fasting in non-Judeo-Christian Religious Organization and Christianity

Fasting is another ritual common to both Judeo-Christians and non-Judeo-Christians. Fasting is done in both groups to bring people closer to God through prayers and giving. Just like prayers, fasting is unlimited in the Judeo-Christians group. However, for Muslims and others, there are specific fasting seasons with a guideline on how fasting should be conducted. Nevertheless, the motive is normally the same for both groups, praying, giving to the poor, or sharing and fighting evil (Doc.wa.gov, 2013). The fact that non-Judeo-Christians understand the importance of fasting, can aid in teaching the act of mercy and kindness, sharing with the poor, and praying for each other, and supporting each other to overcome the evil.

Worship in non-Judeo-Christian Religious Organization and Christianity

Worship is another common ritual to both Judeo-Christians and non-Judeo-Christians. They both believe in worship as a way of showing their dedication to God. They both have holy places where they worship. Though given different names such as Church, Mosque, or Temple, they are used for worship. The worship involves singing, chanting, praying, reading and interpreting scriptures, and offering gifts (Doc.wa.gov, 2013). The main difference in the worship includes the days of worship and how worship is conducted. Each religion has its ways of doing it, its specific songs and chants, and different ways of worship for different occasions. However, they may all have similar benefits from the worship. The worship ritual can be used to convey the importance of praising and worshiping God, living according to God’s teachings to makes the worship more worthwhile, and the importance of cleansing oneself before making an offering to God. Missionaries can use the concept of worship to teach more about forgiveness, fellowship, and giving to the needy or sharing (Nathan & Topolski, 2016). For instance, one way of worship among Buddhists involve giving offerings to the poor, mostly seated outside the temple. This can be used to preach more about kindness, and sharing while preaching about Christianity to non-Judeo-Christians.

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