Advertising, its Significance, and its Practical Applications


Prior knowledge of the items and services a person wants to purchase, whether commodities or services, is necessary to make the best decisions. Advertising is regarded as one of the most influential, persuasive, and manipulative tools many businesses use worldwide to engage their clients because of this desire to comprehend their products. However, it is considered a powerful way of pleading and enlisting clients to buy and use specific things that the organizations have for sale. Moreover, Advertising has beneficial and harmful consequences, one of which is that it modifies customer behavior. Additionally, it ensures that customer desires are not genuine and may result in the societal conventions surrounding gender and female-related characters eroding. On the other hand, advertising has a significant impact, particularly on those who are business-oriented, as these commercials can help an organization boost its sales and earnings. This essay aims to talk about advertising, its significance, and its practical applications.

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The process of advertising can take many different shapes. For instance, brand marketing, product marketing, and commodity marketing concepts are seen as other advertising techniques that a corporation may use, according to Ayman Elhamir. Numerous case studies from American history demonstrate the value of advertising and how it aids businesses in achieving their objectives. Because integrated marketing techniques may be used in every firm, advertising can be done successfully. Organizations that frequently engage in charitable work have also found a lot of value in using the integrated marketing system because they often rely on antiquated methods of communication to communicate with their clients successfully.

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The American Cancer Society employs several forms of communication to further its mission of curing cancer and informing the public about the latest research findings. By diagnosing and treating cancer at an early stage, people have been able to reduce its mortality rate significantly. However, this is one of the many reasons why people in the cancer community rely on the communication and advertisement process. The American Cancer Society has had many issues over the years. One of the difficulties it faces is that it is made up of many divisions that each have its responsibilities regarding cancer prevention strategies and techniques. Another issue is that society’s promotional techniques are unfunded and uncompensated( Knudsen, 1913).

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As a result of the issues mentioned above, the American Cancer Society’s media strategy group developed a group that included both advertising experts and strategic thinkers. They were tasked with creating a new kind of marketing communication to disseminate cancer-related and prevention methods to people who lacked access to reliable information. Even though the society made a decision based on its members’ desires rather than those of its customers, the necessity of reaching out to the latter led to the development of a new method of communication. Additionally, the American Cancer Society’s first trustworthy and effective strategy in the healing process was its commitment to providing its clients with a listening ear. In addition, the community has begun to employ integrated marketing technologies to start a conversation with its members and visitors about each group’s needs and preferences.

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Explore The Crucial (or not) Role Integration, Consistency, and Synergy Play In The Effective Management of a) Each Quru’s creative (ad-design) orientation [use at least two]; b) The Agency’s Organizational Culture; c) The process of Account/Campaign Planning.

Many experts have discussed advertising, and as a result, various definitions and functions for advertising have been proposed. It was Stanley Resor’s goal to elevate the advertising industry to the same level of respectability as other traditional economic sectors of the period. However, after marrying Helen Lansdowne, a great copywriter and one of the most critical figures in advertising history, he became motivated to do this. Therefore, he established a marketing firm known as the American Association of Advertising Agencies. The services his agency provided set it apart from its competitor.

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The American Association of Advertising Agencies stood out because it was the first to ensure women had jobs within the industry, branched out into international markets, and produced radio commercials. Stanley Resor’s success in advertising can be attributed to his aptitude for administrative tasks and his keen awareness of the wants and demands of his clientele. His enthusiasm for the agency, which led him to manage it as if it were a corporation, was another factor in his success. His intelligence and foresight allowed him to see that the agency could not operate objectively without the appropriate people in charge. He also understood the importance of keeping accurate books.

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His firm gained notoriety due to his insistence on treating women with the dignity they deserve in the workplace, an attitude he felt was essential for any advertising firm hoping to succeed on a grand scale. Hellen Resor, his wife, took advantage of her gender to aid in marketing Woodbury’s facial soap, the only sex-oriented product to be advertised at the time. One of the three commercial landmarks, as described by Albert Lasker, Hellen’s use of a tempting customer approach enabled the product to enhance sales. Resor’s radio shows were floundering then, but he could preserve his business and promote 18 clients thanks to advertising. However, due to the successful advertising he oversaw, his company, J. Walter Thompson, expanded into new markets worldwide, including Europe, Latin America, Asia, India, and Africa. His firm flourished not only because he did not waste time drinking and socializing but also because he was honest and committed to turning advertising into a profitable and respectable business venture.

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J. Walter Thompson Organizational Culture

When it came to advertising, there were a lot of problems for consumers in the 1930s. Some of the issues were that advertising was expensive and that the ways it was done were meant to trick people. Because of these problems, J. Walter Thompson (JWT) worked hard to find the best ways to advertise and ensure that its customers’ needs were met. It used a “management control” method to measure how hard each employee worked. Also, the company pushed for government agencies to step in and make strict rules about how products should be labeled (Sharma, 2019,p712). The company also used testimonials from well-known people like celebrities to make its advertisement more objective and goal-oriented. All the above methods made its advertising process more achievable and easier.

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Ray Rubicam

Ray Rubicam was the secret mastermind behind modern advertising, pioneering the field in the 20th century. A short time ago, he was promoted to head of all U.S. advertising operations. He stayed employed at an advertising agency thanks to his moral stance that honesty must permeate every stage of the advertising process for it to be effective. A customer-centric focus and an intimate understanding of their wants and needs, he said, were the hallmarks of the most successful advertising agencies. Ray Rubicam achieved great success in the advertising industry thanks to the expertise of the team he worked with. Besides his natural talent for advertising, his extensive background in copywriting also contributed to his success.
He felt that understanding consumers, in general, was crucial to the success of any advertising strategy. With Dr. George Gallup’s help, Ray Rubicam expanded his advertising expertise and created innovative designs to meet his clientele’s needs better. His firm stood out from the competition among American advertising agencies due to the scientific nature of the telephone used in the sampling method. This same telephone also improved the accuracy of ad effectiveness measures. Not only did it achieve widespread notoriety, but it also is the first agency to produce original programming successfully. His secret to commercial success was the invention of a sequence-picture copy.

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Young & Rubicam Organizational Culture

Young and Rubicam always aimed to provide its clients with the most excellent advertising services possible. The organization made sure to work hard to meet the needs of their consumers on time, and they never forgot the notion of emotional brand engagement in their pursuit of customer pleasure. In addition, the organization also focused heavily on producing solutions that would be well-regarded by its clientele. It also made care to keep in regular contact with its clientele to anticipate their requirements and deliver on schedule. Additionlly , Young & Rubicam ensured its services were of high quality and would solve its clients’ problems for the long haul. The business also guaranteed that its services were special and adapted to the needs of each client.

Process Of Account /Campaign Planning

Account planning is crucial in each advertising agency to ensure that the advertising process achieves its goals. Account planning can vary from agency to agency, but there is likely some degree of uniformity. For instance, using an account planning template, gathering consumer information, learning about their projects, and assessing how they stack up against competitors is essential for any advertising strategy.

Every advertising agency in the United States of America relies on account planning to function effectively. To gain access to their clients and other relevant data, J. Walter Thompson used various tactics. The agency’s employment of skilled experts, such as writers and painters, simplified the advertising process by removing the need to deal with mundane tasks. Hellen Resor was hired as the company’s first female employee, which paved the way for improved client data collection. Hellen Resor employed various strategies, including celebrity endorsements and sex appeal, to encourage more young women to pursue careers in advertising (Maclaranand Chatzidakis, 2022,p.21). Lansdowne’s contributions to the agency’s expansion were recognized when J. Walter Thompson offered $250,000 scholarships to female students interested in advertising careers.

Account planning is a crucial part of any successful advertising strategy, and to maintain objectivity, it must be executed effectively. By conducting account planning, a company can learn everything it needs to know about its current and potential clientele. Its more significant customer base allows it to invest in reliable and timely communication channels with its clientele. Moreover, the account planning procedure considers the client’s cultural background and strategic positioning Fraccastoro et al.(2021, p.101776.))To set his advertising business apart from the competition, Ray Rubicam took a novel approach to the account planning process. He stressed the importance of researching the company’s target audience before advertising. Among the renowned persons he collaborated with was George Gallup, whose contributions were vital to the advertising campaign’s success.


The advertising process should be applied for any firm to be successful and produce excellent sales. Given the importance of advertising to the success of any firm, ads must be well-thought-out and impartial. Additionally, advertising account planning is crucial since it helps businesses increase their profits from their current clientele. An organization’s present clientele can be retained with the help of account planning, which also reduces the expense of bringing in new clients and identifies their current and future demands.

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