Aligning Organizational Goals – Green Consultants Firm

This paper discusses alignment of organizational goals in Green Consultants firm. The company offers environmentally friendly consultations to small and middle sized companies. It has very competent employees since it hires graduates with Masters in Business Administration. Due to the changing demands of the market and high level of competition, it has resolved to venture into green consulting, with the aim of reaching out to new clients while at the same maintaining old customers.

 Mission Statement

With the rising effects of climate change due to increased release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, green consultants firm has come up with different ways of reducing the release of this gases .The Company aspires to achieve a zero U.S greenhouse gas emissions by 2018 and maintain that standard throughout (Spender, 2013). This will be enhanced by the presence of qualified and competent consultants who will be working with different manufacturing in different states. Apart from maximizing profits, the company will work with all its stakeholders including its customers to ensure that everyone benefits from the achievements of the company (Burkus, 2016).

Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats Analysis

SWOT is a form of analyzing technique that helps in planning, making decisions and solving problems in any given organization. It entails an organization internal and external factors as well as the threats that might affect if productivity (Burkus, 2016). Consulting firms strive in improving the performances of their clients, but they too have to practice the same regulations in their own firms. One of the activities that help an organization achieve its desired goals is having a SWOT analysis before coming up with new strategies.


The company started the green consulting project at the right time considering the fact that there many effects of the greenhouse gases on earth than in the previous years. This is because of the increasing rates of global warming which has weakened the ozone layer. Without sufficient protection of the environment, this might lead to many changes in the ecosystem and might result to the death and extinction of the weak species (Pynes, 2015). The other strength is that it has highly qualified and competent employees who are able to solve rising problems in the company with the aim of helping it achieve its desired goals.


It is not able to compete well with the larger corporate consulting companies which mainly deal with multinational clients as well. This aspect reduces their profitability margin since they are not able to reach out to well paying customers. The other weakness is that it has poor product mix. It also specializes in environmental in green initiatives and consulting, an aspect which gives more room to its competitors with high product mix (Pynes, 2015). Because of its poor product mix, the company is having problems in meeting the demands of its customers; this reduces their chances of getting new customers through approvals or recommendations from their old clients.


The increasing demand of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions globally, provides them an opportunity to market itself even in the global market. The use of online systems and other internet enabled services can help them reach out to new clients, while at the same time offering quick services to their old customers. Merging or acquiring small firms offering similar services can help reduce the level of competition, achieve better markets and expand its level of productivity and profitability.


Tough and unpredictable economic conditions have made it very difficult for the company to compete well with stronger and larger consulting companies. The other fact is that it has less knowledge and experiences about green consulting therefore it will take some time before it gets enough exposure to the field hence prolonged the periods of getting better profits (Pynes, 2015). Government regulations that force the company to spend more on operational costs will be another threat to its growth and expansion.

Business Strategy

Through the identification of the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats, the company is able to come with effective strategies to improve it level of competitiveness and profitability. The first essential point is identifying the common environmental impacts and coming up measures of mitigating the impacts. Starting with air pollution, it is seen as the largest means of environmental pollution. It includes emission of greenhouses gases from manufacturing companies, natural release of poisonous gases from landfills, emissions from all forms of locomotives and suspended dust containing dangerous substances (Thuis, 2015). The other one is water pollution, which entails the draining of untreated sewages to water bodies and the harmful effects of eutrophication. Use of land for industrial developments that can be harmful to the people and the environment is another example. A good example is the manufacture of products using heavy metals like lead. Improper use and disposal of the resulting waste products can pose a serious threat to both the environment and people working and living in the regions. From these common sources of environmental impacts, the company can be able to trace and track their potential clients and come up with effective marketing strategies that can attract their attention.

Having identified the potential customers, the next point is identifying the possible risks they might encounter. The risks can be classified under different categories. The first one is operational risks; this entails the harm that might result in the course of the company’s operations. For example, the probabilities of their customers failing to adhere to the provided rules and regulations stipulated in the agreement (Goldratt, 2014). Financial risks entail the chances of the company failing to make enough profits as planned. Strategic risks entail the failures of the planned strategies, and finally legal risks entail all aspects pertaining legal procedures and standards that might disadvantageous to the company.

The next point is identifying the company strengths and weaknesses and coming up with ways of increasing the strengths and minimizing the weaknesses. The major strength is the presence of qualified and competent workforce; therefore the company should provide good remunerative packages so as to retain them and improve their motivations. The other aspect is taking advantage of the need of environment consultants by having comprehensive advertising of the services offered by the company to the global markets (Spender, 2013). On considering the external opportunities and threats, it is important to ensure that all employees have sufficient knowledge on green consulting by offering training facilities and encouraging them to further their studies, focusing on the needed skills in the company. The other important aspect is diversifying the company’s product mix. This entails the introduction of other services apart from consultation services only, by introducing health and safety training to companies affected by the various environmental impacts.


The two most crucial departments in the company are the human resource and the environmental safety departments. The major function of the human resource department is to ensure the recruitment and employment of competent and qualified workforce. It also ensures that the safety and health of all the stakeholders are given the utmost priority, by providing good working conditions and environments (Spender, 2013). The environmental safety department ensures that all the working procedures and measures are adhered to by the employees while performing their duties. It also takes part in the identification of priorities, programs and vehicles that will promote the company’s environmental activities as required by the international standards.

The human resource department is headed by the human resource manager, and is assisted by principal secretary in that office. The manager is tasked with the responsibilities; the main one is designing the roles and job analysis for different employees according to their skills and knowledge acquired. The other role is ensuring that the company complies with all the state and local laws concerning labor and employment regulations. Tagging on that is the duty of ensuring that the compensation and benefits provided to the employees are fair and delivered in a manner that benefits both the employee and the company (Burkus, 2016). The principal secretary at the human resource department is also tasked with many responsibilities. One of them is ensuring that the company’s selection and recruitment processes are done in a fair and just manner without any form of discriminations. The secretary will try to promote diversity by ensuring that employees are selected from diverse regions, a diverse workforce promotes a company’s level of innovations and creativity, which will be an added advantage to the company. The other important role is that of promoting good employee relations, by ensuring that all employees work towards a common goal.

The environmental safety department is headed by environmental manager, and assisted by the safety and health manager. The environmental manager is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring all the clients receive the right attention and assistance they demand from the company. It also ensures that the international environmental standards are followed by the company (Goldratt, 2014). The safety and health manager ensures that the welfare and health of all the employees and that of the company’s clients are given the first priority. It ensures that all the working procedures are according to the provisions in the occupational, health and safety Act.

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