American British Colony, A loyalist in the American Revolution

Loyalists during the American Revolution

For this particular task, I will describe my experience in the American British colony as a loyalist during the American Revolution. This was an important and crucial time in the United States which later represented a turning point for the colony. As a loyalist, I was fully aware of the great upheaval that awaited us as the original 13 colonies struggled to break free from British Dominion to create their own autonomous state. I remained loyal to the British crown due to the many business dealings my family had with the Brits and had personally seen the beneficial perks of commerce during the second half of the 17th century. Most loyalists maintained their allegiance to the King of England due to safety given that they would typically be assured of protection from the British army (McDonnell, 2016). This created allies among foes and ensured that they were mostly protected from retaliation from Patriot forces especially considering that many of them resided in areas considered to be hotbeds of revolutionary activities.

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 Loyalty to the crown also assured us of legal protection based on elaborate statutes of the British legal system which guaranteed us of property rights during this time of clear turmoil. The British crown, therefore, represented a state of stability which was not readily available with the Patriot forces. Loyalists would also be assured of clear and definite access to resources from the British crown and existing government. This meant that we could readily depend on the authorities for support and financial assistance during times of need. High levels of support from the authorities also meant that we could continue supporting our way of life and make ends meet during a particularly tumultuous time. My family was also assured of career opportunities in colonial America given that we were a landowners and the fact that loyalty also meant that we could maintain our social status while striving for social mobility and success.

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War Diary of a British Loyalist in the American Revolution

September 6, 1774- May 5, 1775

Dear diary,

My name is Richard Jefferson, a resident of region of New York. I come from a wealthy merchant family that has traded in these docks for the past century or so. Our entire family has chosen to remain loyal to the British crown since it is the only viable way of safeguarding our business interests in the area. Moreover, we are also aware of the risk this poses to our entire family and business enterprise hence the need for British protection. We have had a long stint of as a successful merchant family and would like to remain loyal to the British crown. However, talk of revolution in the 13 colonies is getting louder by the day and is greatly troubling our family given our position as loyalists. Our entire family does not agree with the rebel’s stance and demands for independence since this threatens peace and stability in the entire region. The conflict may soon escalate; placing our family in grave danger.

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July 20, 1776 – February 1, 1777

Dear diary,

A group of rebels have today signed a document they la belled the official Declaration of Independence. This now means that we are officially at war with the British forces. The entire family is terrified and worries for their safety since rebel activities have greatly intensified and now present the threat of violence to both the British army and loyalist landowners. My heart breaks for my dear country. It is now torn apart by strife and will now have to brace itself for a long period of protracted conflict ahead. We are currently surrounded by numerous loyalists but have chosen to feign neutrality to avoid attacks from Patriots aware of our position. The family’s shipping business has suffered greatly from this current state of affairs and I am not really sure whether it will even survive the forthcoming turmoil.

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October 1777- January 10, 1781

Dear diary,

The rebels have quickly gained momentum across the entire swathe of the 13 colonies and are swiftly overrunning army bases. They seem motivated and are headed by a certain General George Washington. This general seems poised and grounded, which poses a great threat to the British forces. He has had time to refine and hone his guerrilla tactics and would stop at nothing to take over the entire country. We worry that his infectious charisma will soon turn many loyalists into patriots; which now risks to also expose us to our adversaries. The rebels seem to be growing stronger by the day and have threatened physical violence on any settler who will consciously remain loyal to the British crown. We have lost numerous friends due to the division currently experienced in the country as many pick and choose sides in this uncertain war.

 October 1781- March 1, 1783

The war has now raged on for years and has cost the country thousands of lives. General Washington has steadily gained ground and has promised to offer amnesty to any loyalist who chooses to renounce their allegiance to the British crown. However, my instinct tells me that this is a trick and that we may be executed if we boldly asserted our position in this war. Yesterday, the news around town was that the rebels were now advancing in the direction of New York and may soon overrun the city. The writing is now on the wall and it is now very clear that the rebels are likely to win the war hence my worry for my personal safety and that of family. The popular rumors now going around town is that the patriots are planning to confiscate any property owned by the loyalists and would then proceed to persecute them.

Between March 10, 1783 – September 3, 1783

Dear diary,

The writing is now on the wall. The war has been lost and the British are now retreating. Yet, the rebels have extended an olive branch to the vanquished red coats and have called for a total and unconditional surrender. I know this is not an armistice, since the Red Coats were largely unsuccessful in nearly all of their campaigns in the Eastern and Southern frontiers of the territory. Representatives from both sides have met and signed the Treaty of Paris which currently signifies the official end of the war. The rebels have now been granted their independence and now plan to administer over the 13 colonies as autonomous self-governing regions. Our family has lost its properties during our escape to the territory of Canada where we reside now. I am saddened by this new development and I am not sure whether I will ever go back to the country I used to call home.

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Life after the American Revolution War

The American Revolutionary war had numerous implications for all parties residing in North America. According to Purcell (2015), loyalists who remained in the new independent faced a great deal of social ostracism, lost property, faced the ever mounting threat of persecution by the rebels. They were particularly viewed as traitors who sided with the enemy and were thus completely shunned from mainstream society. Most loyalists lost close friends and acquaintances, in addition to having to grapple with the loss of important business connections leading to social isolation. Some were forcibly removed from their lands in New Jersey and New York and were forced to move to new barren lands where they would now live the rest of their lives as refugees. Their properties were also seized by the authorities which stifled  their sources of income and livelihood while constantly facing the threat of imprisonment and execution.

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