Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Role of Religion in Society – A Comparison of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim Religion Theories

Religion refers to an organized collection of believers who have worldviews of worship to the existence supernatural powers; many religious narratives have been forwarded to explain the origin and the meaning of life. In most scenarios, people may derive morality ethics which makes up the preferred lifestyle, however in 1965, the strong wave of migration […]


Hypothetical Defect in the Citric Acid Cycle

One of the enzymes that constitute the CAC (Citric Acid Cycle) is succinate dehydrogenase. This paper explores a hypothetical CAC when succinate dehydrogenase is defective (Kay & Weitzman, 1987).A defect in the enzyme inhibits the formation of fumarate along with ubiquinol. A defect in succinate dehydrogenase impacts on the rest of the CAC since the


Direct Foreign Investment In Thailand

Benefits realized by a DFI in Thailand Direct foreign investment is purchase of ownership in a foreign venture by the investing country that own and exercise administration control of the foreign enterprise, or it is the stock of investments in existence (Chow, & Solt, 1997). Thailand benefits by Direct Foreign investments various ways, since it


Transaction and Translation Exposure – Blades Company

Blades the US manufacture of roller blades is subject to transaction, and economic exposure. Nevertheless, the company is not subject to translation exposure (Wihlborg, 1980). Under economic exposure, Blades company present value of its future cash flows is influenced and inclined by changes in exchange rates. Under transaction exposure, Blades value of future cash transactions


History of Punishment – Cesare Beccaria

Ways in which Cesare Beccaria’s work in Essays on Crimes and Punishment (1764) is still relevant to how offenders are treated in the criminal justice system today. Cesare Beccaria was an Italian jurist, Philosopher, politician and criminologist. He was considered the as one of the greatest thinkers and the most talented jurist of the age


Individual and Collective Learning Theories

Introduction Literary anthropology refers to an exploration of the significance of literature in shaping lives and behaviors of human beings, particularly in historical, social, and cultural settings. Anthropology views human being as creatures capable of learning and teaching (Pelissier, 1991). Anthropologists have largely focused on the socio-cultural processes that surround education and through their extensive


BRL Hardy – Globalizing An Australian Wine Company

 How do you account for BRLHardy’s international success in the wake of the merger.? BRL Hardy’s international success is attributed by a number of factors in the wake of the merger. The merger provided room for increased deliveries from to almost five hundred member growers.  The newly increased member growers delivered over fifty thousand tonnes


Kentucky Fried Chicken International Operations Case Study

KFC is employing poor strategies while managing its international operations. Normally, the preference of a product especially food product differ based on people culture. What American prefer may perform very poorly in another country such as Japan due to cultural difference. In this regard KFC was not supposed to dictate on exclusive American menu to


Learned Helplessness – Health and Sports Psychology Presentation

Seligman’s reformulated (1978 and later) model of learned helplessness The reformulated model states that the foundation of depression and helplessness deficits is a person causal contribution to their self for bad events. Reformulated model is crafted from attribution theory. Attribution theory generally deals with how individuals attribute causality of events. Depressed people tend to make

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