Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Effective Leadership Practices – Nelson Mandela

Peter Drucker defines leadership as the art of doing things right. As a proponent of change and political emancipation in the apartheid South Africa, Nelson Mandela is the ensemble of leadership in its real sense. According to Mandela, the state of segregation based on race was not the right measure of governance and leadership in


Federal Reserve, Stabilizing Current Economy and Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve Board testimonies, press releases, monetary policy reports, the Beige Book, and a variety of other publications offer a detailed assessment of current economic activity, financial markets, and the monetary policy tools used to promote economic activity and preserve price stability. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Evaluate


Critical Analysis on Credible Articles: Information Technology in Decision-Making

Numerous research has been carried out to explain the development of IT in decision-making. Different researchers use a variety of  methodologies and develop different arguments in approval or disapproval of the hypothesis. Most credible sources of information on IT integration in decision-making apply the quantitative and qualitative research methods. An example is the study by


Consumption Process – Medicated Soap

Introduction “Consumption process is a process that converts time and goods, services or ideas into value.” ( the purpose of this research paper,  I have selected a product (Medicated Soap) used for skins disease e.g. acne, pimples etc. the complete consumption process in respect of medicated soap is discussed below:- Need The consumption process starts from


Causes of Customer Complaints at Tigerair Airlines in Australia

Introduction Customer satisfaction is an important aspect for every company or organization. A profit-seeking company always strives to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through quality services and products. It is the desire of every company to always receive positive feedback from its customers regarding the services and products since this has positive outcomes on


Case Analysis : Technical Flow in Aircraft Development

The emergence and development of aviation industry marks the immense advancement of human knowledge in the field of technology. In spite of many technical shortcomings and experimental flaws at the beginning, this huge industry continues to move toward perfection by the passage of time. The present paper is dedicated to presenting a case analysis on


Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission Main Objectives

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations  was formed in 1985. COSO is a framework that guides the managers and those who are responsible about risk management, internal controls and fraud deterrence. Main objectives of COSO are discussed below. Control environment: These represent procedures, manuals and policies and internal controls required for day to day operations. Risk Assessment:


Three Common Types Of Employee Fraud

Employee fraud is defined as “use of fraudulent means to take money or property from employer”.  There are three common types of employee fraud in an organization detailed below:- Monetary Fraud: When an employee by using fraudulent means earn money which is not his right from an employer or the place he is exercising his


Case study: Agricultural Subsidies and Development(3000 words)

For decades the rich countries of the developed world have lavished subsidies on their farmers, typically guaranteeing them a minimum price for the products they produce. The aim has been to protect farmers in the developed world from the potentially devastating effects of low commodity prices. Although they are small in numbers, farmers tend to

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