Child Abuse Statistical Data Points in Texas and Nationally

Important Data Points on Child Abuse in Texas

  • Texas total population 26,448,193 (Child Welfare League of America, 2015).
  • Children under 18 years 7,040,918
  • In 2013, total of 198,627 cases of child abuse were reported, 164, 085 referred for investigations.
  • In 2013, 64,603 children were victims of abuse and neglect.
  • This represented rate of 9.2 in 1,000.
  • Of the 64, 603 victims, 83.5% were neglected, 18.1% were physically abused and 9.3% were sexually abused.

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According to Child Welfare League of America, 2015), Texas has a total population of about 26, 448, 193, with children under the age of 18 accounting for over 7 million. In 2013, a total of 198, 627 cases of child abuse were reported in the state and 164, 085 cases were referred for further investigations. The author points that a total of 64, 603 children were victims of abuse and neglect, which represented a rate of 9.2 abuses in every 1000 children. Among these population, 83.5% of the children were victims of neglect, 18.1% were physically abused and 9.3% were victims of sexual abuse.

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  • 1 in every 4 girls is sexually abused before their 18th birthday in Texas (Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas, 2016)
  • 1 in every 6 boys is sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
  • In 2015, over 43, 000 children were served at Children’s Advocacy Center of Texas (CAC).
  • 75% were victims of sexual abuse
  • 95% knew the offenders

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The data for the year 2015 points that about 25% of girls in the States of Texas are abused before their 18th birthday, while about 17% of boys within the same category are sexually abused. In the same year, over 43, 000 cases of children abuse were reported to the Children’s Advocacy Center in Texas. From these reported cases, 75% of the cases were related to sexual abuse, with over 95% of the children having knowledge of who their offenders were.

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National Child Abuse Statistics

  • In 2013, 1520 child died in the U.S because of abuse (National Children’s Alliance, 2014).
  • In same year, advocacy groups served over 295,000 cases of child abuse.
  • Over 679,000 children in the U.S were victims abuse
  • Child in the first year are more prone, representing 23.1 per 1000 children
  • Child neglect represented 80%, 18% physical abuse and 9% sexual abuse

The national child abuse statistics represent the compiled statistics of all the states in the United States. According to (National Children’s Alliance, 2014), 2013, witnessed the death of 1,520 child in U.S due to child abuses. The advocacy groups in the various parts of the country recorded a total of 295,000 cases of child abuses. In the same year, over 679,000 children were victims of the various forms of child abuse. Further findings pointed that 23 in every 1000 children were prone to child abuse in their first year. This is a huge number, meaning young children stand at a greater risk of abuse. Child neglect accounted for 80% of the abuse cases, while physical and sexual abuses accounted for 18 & 9% of total child abuse cases respectively. Child neglect remains the highest cases of child abuse reported in the United States.

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Why These Statistics are Important

  • For sensitization of people at local and state levels
  • For development of appropriate measures against child abuse
  • For measurement of the efficacy of child abuse prevention strategies.

The state statistics on child are very important in creation of awareness and sensitization of the community about the gravity of child abuse. Moreover, these statistics help to inform the local advocacy groups on the need to reinforce their efforts to help combat child abuse cases. The compilation of state statistics gives the overall national statistics, which provides a way in which the federal agencies on child protection can measure the efficacy of child abuse and development of appropriate policy measures towards funding of child abuse programs. Moreover, these statistics provide useful pointers in the design of remedial measures and strategies in prevention of child abuses in the country.

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