Communication, Attitudes, Behaviors and Culture Effect on Team Performance

Communication, attitudes, behaviors and culture highly influence the organization performance. Communication highly determines the nature of interaction in a team. Open communication can highly encourage sharing of ideas and collaboration in problems solving and thus, good performance. However, when there is poor communication, the team is very likely to experience problems in their projects due to lack of information and delayed information.

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The attitude of the team members also influences performance, in that positive attitude encourages collaboration, interaction and determination to produce the best. However, negative attitude kills members’ enthusiasm and desire to perform better. Members’ behaviors also affect the performance, in that bad behaviors destroy relation among members.

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This can destroys the bond that keeps the team together and creates a great level of division such that collaboration is no longer possible. This situation negatively affects the team performance. However, positive behaviors result to development of good relations, collaboration, harmony, and systematic ways of solving problems. This creates a good team working atmosphere and thus, good team performance. Finally, cultural differences create diversity on how people perceive the world and react to different situations. When not controlled, cultural differences can stimulate conflicts that would make teamwork a problem and thus, resulting to negative performance.

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Well managed cultural diversity can improve team’s performance by sharing ideas, and employing diverse and unique ways of solving problems as contributed by different members from different cultural background. To lead this team I would employ problem-solving technique. This technique involve problem identification, problem assessment, gathering possible solution to the problem, sorting solutions from the most viable to the least viable, employing solutions from the most viable (Clark, 2003).

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