Behavior Analytic Problem Solving As A Component Of Functional Behavior Assessment Summary

Assignment Instructions

Choose one (1) specific component necessary to be included in a FBA summary such as the Behavior Analytic Problem Solving (BAPS) model and discuss why it’s inclusion is relevant to the development of the FBA Report. Be sure to identify the specific section of the FBA Report that is impacted by this component and how it will eventually be related to the development of a behavior plan.

Functional Behavior Assessment – Sample Answer

According to the findings of Cipani and Schock (2010), functional behavior assessment refers to a methodical set of approaches, which researchers implement to establish the hidden function of a behavior in order to develop an effectual plan of intervention. This paper discusses Behavior Analytic Problem Solving (BAPS) model that should constitute a functional behavior assessment summary. It, also, explores its relevance to the development of the functional behavior assessment report.

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It is worth noting that the model for analyzing and assessing behavior has a strong bearing on the fact that the causative agents of a particular behavior lie within the environment (Cipani & Schock, 2010). This implies that human beings lack the will; instead, they just respond to the stimuli from the environment. Researchers employ Behavior Analytic Problem Solving in the assessment process due to the need for direct, indirect descriptive or functional scrutiny assessment in order to summarize and organize the findings resulting from their various assessments (Cipani & Schock, 2010).

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During functional behavior assessment, there is need for identification and definition of a particular problem behavior (Cipani & Schock, 2010). Whenever a disability student experiences problems that can obstruct the learning process, an investigative team should be ready to define the behavior, which could be causing such a problem. This means that the defined behavior should be observable and measurable. After defining the target behavior, the researcher should plan the assessment. Relevant people should be involved during the interview process in order to gather appropriate information (Cipani & Schock, 2010). The team should develop a proper hypothesis in respect to the target behavior ahead of analyzing the collected data. It is worth noting that Behavior Analytic Problem Solving model is relevant in behavior assessment because it enables researchers to scrutinize the vibrant relationships existing among the many variables that strengthen the intrusive behaviors.

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In conclusion, it is worth noting that the model for analyzing and assessing behavior has a strong bearing on the fact that the causative agents of a particular behavior lie within the environment (Cipani & Schock, 2010). Behavior Analytic Problem Solving model is relevant in behavior assessment because it enables researchers to scrutinize the vibrant relationships existing among the many variables that strengthen the intrusive behaviors.

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