Models For Behavior Change In Motivational Coaching

Various behavior change models provide a different understanding of how a change in behavior and attitude occurs. Motivational coaching is about encouraging the client to adopt a new attitude and perspective towards the attainment of their set goals in life. The models include:

Intention formulation and protection behavior change model.

The model depends on the client’s belief that it is possible for change to happen and thus by believing this, they need to feel that they still have the opportunity, time, importance, urgency and the means ( OPTIUM) to effect positive change in their lives. Therefore, for the successful behavior change, all of the OPTIUM factors must be present.  By experiencing the OPTIUM process, the client can move from a wishing state to an action state resulting in a change of behavior and attitude (Gould, Carson & Blanton, 2013).

Adaptation to Transition Behavior changes model

The model provides an understanding framework into the transition process of behavior change. Under the model, the client must fully understand their individual character traits as well as their operating environment, and finally in the model, the transition alone is not the focus but the perception of the client in effecting change. The model aids in motivational coaching since it explains to the client the process between transition and the adoption new attitudes and behavior.

Transition Model for change in behavior

According to the model, change only occurs when something starts or ends; but changing behavior often is challenging. In comprehending the change process, the model distinguishes between transition and change in behavior. It states that transition occurs for a longer time and is not a single step but rather a process that involves three steps comprising of halting an old behavior, the neutral phase, and fresh beginnings. Realizing when old attitudes or behavior were effective and ineffective and that real change in behavior result when the coach can move the client from a state of apathy to hope and enthusiasm. Efficient coaching should also, therefore, focus on strong psychological principles that will equip the client in the long run to sustain and maintain the newly acquired behavior even when circumstances push them to behave in the old ways. The model thus is vital in the coaching process as it promotes coachee’s present behavior and the involved transitions in acquiring new behavior (Cox, Bachkirova & Clutterbuck, 2014).

Trans theoretical Model of behavior change

The Trans theoretical Model shows how individuals undergo the process of behavior change. Essentially, the TTM provides an integrative view concerning the structure of intentional change. The model involves movement through different stages of pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. It further enhances the understanding of behavior change procedure should be conducted. The model remains useful in the coaching context as through its transition stages it provides solutions to various personal and organizational problems.  Coaching primarily is concerned with the facilitation of behavior change in the client as progress is made in attaining the set goals. TTM focuses on the procedure that center on the adoption of new behaviors and attitudes thus enables the coach to customize the intervention approach to the coachee’s change stage.

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