Motivational Coaching And Motivational Coaching Process

Motivational Coaching

Motivational coaching is a branch in life coaching that involves a series of conversations concerning a client’s learning and life progress. Its aim is to assist the client in making positive changes in their personal life towards the attainment of the desired goal. For instance Fried and Irwin, (2016) exploratory study established that motivational life coaching programs are effective in leading the client towards improved mental health, goals achievement, and an overall improved life quality. Motivational life coaching thus concentrates on promoting personal effectiveness that in turn results in coachee’s personal growth. The motivational coach guides the client on private issues that they may feel uncomfortable discussing with their colleagues, family, and friends by identifying the particular issues, deconstruct them to get a solution that transforms the attitude of the client.

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Motivational Coaching Process

Fried and Irwin (2016) describe motivational coaching process by the nature and description of the coaching relationship. To further understand the relationship, Deci,and Ryan (2012) presents a framework of four stages in coaching which defined as the four developing activities that keep spinning once the process commences. Typical motivational coaching session just like another life coaching may frequently alternate between more stages consecutively. Moreover, these stages shift can occur over a couple of coaching sessions without adhering to any specific sequence.

Stage One: Establish the coaching context 

Under this initial framework stage in coaching, it is imperative for the coach to establish a tranquil environment by getting to understand the coachee and their background, explore the areas of their lives they seek help on with the sessions and any possible goals they may desire to attain from the coaching session. Also, during this stage, the motivational coach should make the preliminary measures steps to ascertain if the client really wants to change their behavior to enable review of potential barricades for successful goal achievement. During this discovery process, the client starts to develop a deeper appreciation of what the coaching involves in helping him/her effect behavior change for a better fulfilling life.

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Stage Two: Establish understanding and direction

Deci and Ryan (2012) under this other framework indicate that the coach commences coachee engagement process in the coaching session by creating clear, definitive goals and the expected outcomes for the client. The goals are vital in ensuring that a clear direction is established, and maintained throughout the sessions of the coaching process. In creating such understanding, it is also vital that the coach continues to facilitate and promote communication with the client by using open discussion questions that assist in gauging the extent of enthusiasm the client has for the coaching session besides encouraging client self-awareness. The entire time during this stage and other stages, it is advisable for the motivational life coach to remain flexible and responsive to the coachee’s needs and adhere to a natural discussion flow. Nonetheless, to ensure progress towards attainment of the coaching goal, the client must be persuaded to take actions and set specific goal attainment timelines.

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Stage Three: Review and confirm learning

Deci and Ryan (2012) opine that in this framework stage in a coaching process, the coach should review gained progress towards the set goals with the client. Through the affirmation of progress made by the client, the client becomes cognizant of the coaching benefits and thus gets motivated to continue effecting a new behavior change. Furthermore, the coach provides the client with feedback of the process based on their coaching experience. When reviewing the coaching goals, a delicate balance must be maintained and should only occur occasionally since frequent review may stall the coaching process towards the achievement of goals.

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Also, the coach may have to review together with the client to ascertain lack of progress in attaining the set goals. In such circumstances, both parties need to examine the causation of progress failure and may collectively agree on new approaches to attain the goals. Review stage also offers the coach with an opportunity to jointly with the client identify what is working well within from the therapy and the other aspects of the sessions that need adjustments to benefit the client fully.

Stage Four: Completion

Under the final framework stage, the coaching sessions come to a natural conclusion with the client being satisfied through the attainment of their goals (Deci & Ryan, 2012). During this stage, it becomes necessary that the client does not undergo withdrawal experience from the coaching sessions but ought to feel that the intervention process has been a worthwhile on and is a delight with the motivational coaching experience. Such a measure ensure that the coachee does not only acquire, effect and further a change of behavior from the coaching insights but also leaves the coach’s door open for them to return should they feel the need for further life coaching sessions.

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While coaching is not a type of therapy it is worth noting that counseling process has some similar process as in coaching (Neenan & Dryden, 2013). The similarities center on developing a consensus agreement between the counselor and the client, listening to the client’s story, examining issues with the client, creating goals and constructing an action and evaluation plan. These features possess similarities to the described coaching procedures.

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