Benefits of Exercise and Call to Action

There has been a lot of problems that are related with weight issues and having a sedentary lifestyle. The call to action with regard to this is to sensitize people to embrace exercise and reap the benefits involved.

The target audience is the young people and adults especially those who are overweight and obese and may or may not be aware of the negative effects associated with their condition. Some people are ignorant and think that having a sedentary lifestyle is better than being active, without knowing the consequences. Some of the benefits of exercise include controlling weight, boosting energy, enhancing mood and promoting better sleep. Exercise also lowers risk of diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and depression among other benefits (Ruby et al., 2011). The audience I would like to communicate with are the young people who have a chance of making their present and future lives better through exercise and adults who have in one way or the other suffered from lack of exercise.

Based on the target audience, expectation, value and return (EVR) could prove essential in achieving the main goal or passing the information on the benefits of exercise. EVR is also a means of expressing the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) to the audience (Jaiswal, 2011).The target audience is to be informed of what exercising is all about as well as the value or benefits involved and thus the need to participate to enjoy the benefits. The specific value of exercise to a particular individual would also help them understand the WIIFM. To ensure effective communication, there is need to show the general picture of the benefits of exercise and then go to specific benefits an individual would enjoy based on their condition.

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