3 Labor Relations Process Phases

The process of labor relation contains three phases that include administration, negotiation, and recognition. The recognition phase defines the responsibilities and legal rights of management and labor union representatives. This stage defines the labor law that defines the behaviors, and responsibilities of managers and union representatives. The phase also defines the workers right to join or not to join a union at free will. The negotiation phase entails labor agreement negotiation and determining a process of dispute resolution (Antonellis, 2012).

The negotiation includes suitable tactics, strategies and deadlock resolution methods.Negotiation of contract entails jointly determination of work rules controlling the parties’ responsibilities and rights impacting working hours, wages, or other employment condition by the management and union representative. The results of the negotiation of this kind contain significant effect on the living standard of the covered employee, their management’s right and company’s labor cost. Most disputes on interest are voluntarily resolved by the negotiation between management and union in the bargaining process (Holley, Ross& Wolters, 2016).

The administration phase involves enforcing and applying the conditions and terms as delineated in the conveyed labor agreement. Once the phase two contract terms are settled, there is a requirement to apply the terms on daily bases as per the agreement. Administration phase ensure that all agreement are implements, and in case this is not possible, the management has to work with the union to resolve the disputes (Antonellis, 2012).

The process of labor relation engages labor organization and managers designated by workers as their special negotiating agent to represent their interests. Union representative and managers work jointly to administer and determine work rules. It is therefore important for human resource to understand labor relation so that they may be able to table their side of bargain to have a fair agreement. Their understanding also assists in reducing the level of disputes, strikes and other extreme cases of disagreement. It also assists the human resource to avoid losses through litigation or to be intimidated to compromise more than the organization can take. With clear understanding of the labor relation, the human resource can be able to predict what any of action may receive as a counter action from the labor union and prepare to handle it adequately based on the law for the benefit of the organization (Holley, Ross& Wolters, 2016).

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