Article Review – Research Articles on Prevalence and Incidence of Disease

Find two articles in the Canadian Journal of Public Health. One should focus on incidence and one should focus on prevalence. The disease group can be the same or different. Please summarize the articles, focusing on the following issues:

  • Briefly summarize the articles.
  • What are the definitions of the numerators and denominators for each of the studies?
  • Was point or period prevalence reported on in the prevalence related article?
    • If period prevalence, what time period was used?
  • What type of incidence was reported on in the incidence related article?
    • What was the time period used?
  • In each of the articles, in your opinion, was the denominator appropriate? Why or why not?
  • In each of the articles, in your opinion, was the case definition (numerator) appropriate? Why or why not?
  • Did the authors’ conclusions seem valid based on the study they reported? Why or why not?

Please, no more than three typed pages using 12-point font. Also, please attach copies or, if online, a link to the url of each of your chosen articles. Please use the National Library of Medicine recommendations for citing medical literature –

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