What Distinguishes a Good Plan From a Poor Plan?

What Distinguishes a Good Plan From a Poor Plan?

A good plan should be simple, realistic and complete. It should be relevant to what is needed in the company and benefits all the stakeholders. Plans established or evaluated from previous or past events are more successful than those which were just written without basic grounds. This is because possible downfalls are easily identified when information from past events is used hence avoiding possible losses. A good plan should also have long term and short term goals, which must be correlated and assist the accomplishment of the company’s objectives. A poor plan on the other hand is seen to have only long term goals which might be hard to achieve in the long run hence discouraging the planners to continue with the events (Gudda, 2011).

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Why do plans sometimes fail? What actions can you take to safeguard the success of your plans?

Planning does not always guarantee the achievement of the desired goals because the plans might fail. This is often caused by the initial stages of making the plans. The planning process should be done by all the stakeholders needing the changes or business to avoid any misunderstandings. The plan should also be aimed towards a common goal and interests; this will help in implementation of the plans since each member will be working towards what will benefit them all, and not on personal grounds. The plans should be based on realistic goals and objectives that can be achieved on the required time frame (Jaunders, 2015). In order to ensure the success of the plans, the members should have unity of direction and command. There should be one plan at a time and assigned to a specific group of people to implement it.

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