How Has Confucianism Served As A Unifying Cultural Force In East Asia?

Confucianism is a social system of conduct that upholds morality and ethical behavior to protect the transcendental ideals of the society. Years after the cold war, most countries in East Asia have not been able to develop politically with very few embracing democracy. However, there have been questions about the relationship between Confucianism and democracy and the role of social systems in the development of political structures of countries in East Asia.

Confucianism has however played a critical role in jeopardizing calls for democracy in most countries in East Asia. By stressing on morals, obedience to the law and ethical conduct of all persons, the idea of democracy is upheld but the ultimate impact is not positive because loyalty to authority translates to support for existing government. This social system of conduct undermines behavior that seeks to create political instability therefore serving as a unifying cultural force in East Asia (Doh, 2013).

However, some political leaders have invocated Confucian values of loyalty and propriety to legitimize their oppressive regimes as benevolent and intrinsically necessary. This invocation has cultivated unity within societies in East Asia thus offering platforms on which the authoritarian and oppressive regimes thrive. The system allows people to vote but due to the force of Confucianism, the leaders have the intricate role to make all decisions which is unlike other democracies. It has therefore served as a unifying cultural force in East Asia thus protecting the interests of authorities and governments making it difficult to have democracies.

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