Impact of Standardized Terminologies on Practice

Standardized Terminologies

NANDA was a language developed in 1973 and many more languages have been developed since that time. The standard terminologies are of great help to the nursing professional as they ensure improved communication among nurses both nationally and internationally, enhanced patient care, improvement in research regarding nursing and better communication between the nursing professional and other healthcare professionals both nationally and internationally (Hardiker & Nagle, 2015). As a result, the use of standardized languages will bring the nursing profession from invisibility to visibility as their input will be greatly brought out by a language that strictly relates to them. For example, somebody with low temperature may be suffering from hypothermia and the nursing interventions associated with the diagnosis are applied to ensure that the temperature returns to normal especially interventions such as rewarming or pharmacotherapy.

Nurses have always been confined to patient care and following instructions from doctors and therefore there input has not been taken into consideration. With the standard terminologies, including NANDA nurses will be able to communicate with other nurses and healthcare professionals and provide valuable data that important in ensuring the care of patients is improved and heightened (Tastan, 2014). The data may eventually provide areas of research aimed at improving the nursing and, in general, the healthcare professions such as nurses are closely associated with patients (Matney & Lundberg, 2013). Nanda encompasses the input of nurses while caring for patients and they include various diagnoses that help in making nursing interventions and putting in place the desired outcomes in patient care. The various terminologies used in NANDA are updated after every two years. Standardization makes it easier to understand information that is output in Electronic Health Records (Schwirian, 2013). Standardization will thus ensure accurate description of information that will provide quality data that will ensure that correct interventions are undertaken in the care of patients. Therefore, standardization will make sure that the data collected is accurate and of good quality

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