Kinship, What It Entails And Its Purpose In Society

Human beings have some of the most complex social relationships among all beings found on the planet. The primary reason for this circumstance has to do with intricacies often witnessed in the social make of societies. Leading anthropologists have over the years established that man is primarily a social being, hence his dependence on social relationships and all the benefits that accrue from them. At the center of every individual’s life, we often find kinship and the influence it has on their lives. It involves all the more elegant details of a societies social relationships and how human beings choose to react to the fundamental realities of life. Processes such as courting, mating, pregnancy period, raising children and socializing children with their siblings are integral to kinship and how we ultimately lead our lives. These necessary connections are made to ensure that any individual is sufficiently capable of interacting others without any particular impediment (Krisher 56). Kinships are therefore developed to achieve a specific end that every single human being seeks to reach. These relationships come in the form of patterns that differ, depending on who one is interacting with at any given moment. They are present in all cultures and can, therefore, be utilized as a blueprint for establishing the types of relationships shared by different individuals. Moreover, kinship may also refer to blood ties to contacts and all other persons in the genealogical makeup of a family. In this essay, I will discuss kinship, what it entails and its purpose in society.

Kinship is the epitome of anthropology. All matters that this particular discipline tries to tackle are directly connected to the issues that kinship also tries to explain succinctly. For instance, anthropology deals with all aspects of life from birth to death. All activities that take place during their experiences also play a significant role in kinship as they establish their position in society and their function. Most anthropologists usually acknowledge the difficulty that exists in providing a working definition for kinship since it is a comprehensive concept and even challenging to compartmentalize.  It remains a revolutionary concept as each researcher can offer their unique interpretation of the construct, therefore broadening their horizons. Such an approach is integral to making progress and finding answers to some of the most difficult anthropological questions. Kinship often begins with the birth of a child and its introduction to society. The child is then ascribed particular roles based on their sex. The general expectation is that they will adhere to these specifications and live up to the expectations of the community raising them. It was at this point that the child would seek to establish and strengthen kinship ties with their immediate family. The idea was that they were going to prove their worth to members of their community, treated like worthy individuals worthy of being members of the same kinship group. Various communities around the world differ in their conception of kinship which is why it provides fertile grounds for researchers to perform more studies.

Kinship serves an essential role in the communities where it is regarded highly. It ensures that any individual born into a community first understands their environment. An individual’s surroundings are one of the most integral aspects in determining their demeanor. There are also occasions where kinship also provides essential rules that are meant to guide a community where an individual was born and raised. Children, therefore, start to understand the complexities of life and the rules they ought to follow for them to be accepted fully.  It accordingly acts as the first lesson that an individual’s get concerning their possible role in society. Physical aspects of kinship are always inclusive of marriage. During this sacred occasion and create a new bond that forms new kinship ties that enable them to be fully accepted in by family members they interact with on a regular basis. Similarly, it has always been of utmost importance for individuals to ponder about their origin and who they descended from. It is vital for any individual to understand this as it aids them in making sense out of reality and understanding their role in the cycle of life. Patrilineal and matrilineal descents are some of the primary facets of a typical kinship system. An individual is now able to understand how rights are transmitted to them through either the male or female line. It’s from this unique angle that is utilized to ensure that every one of these individuals has a better understanding of what their purpose entails.

The aim of developing kinship systems amongst communities is to ensure that all were well prepared for the roles that they would have to fit into in society. We live in societies with rules and conventions on what we are allowed to do and what we should shun. A robust kinship system ensures that these individuals are fully aware of their duty to their community and conducting themselves as required (Parkin 38). Kinship, therefore, acts as the bedrock of all societies providing a vast interconnected system that is at the center of our being. Moreover, the relationship also guides individuals through their destiny and all they are expected to do for them to achieve their dreams. It is true that we are all different and with specific futures in the communities that we live as each person has their unique part to play. All ethnic communities around the globe are aware of this fact and seek to ensure that everyone else acknowledges it, especially the young members. The benefit of a forming mind means that these values can be taught quickly to young individuals who can readily absorb this new information. Kinship, therefore, ensures these persons receive a guide in what the community expects of them and all the various stages that their lives which will ensure that they adhere to all the provisions.

In conclusion, it is vital always to ensure that an all-rounded community is fostered for posterity purposes. One generation has to guide the next in what they should expect out of life and what the community will require of them.  Kinship serves as the best example of a system that is ideal for guiding these individuals through life. They will get an opportunity to learn about all the mysteries of life and essential influences that will shape their experience, and they live a worthwhile life. It seeks to create an understanding of the dynamics involved in ensuring that individuals have fostered healthy relationships.

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