Major Government Resources Available For Small Business

Small Business Administration is an agency in the United States that works in providing support to the entrepreneurs and small businesses. This program also helps to provide possible financial assistance to the employee stock Ownership plans and also helps to implement the pollution control. It also offers loans to the businesses that have been affected by NAFTA(Pickle,1964).  Some of these projects include CAPlines program which is basically designed to help the small businesses to meet their short term financial needs. SBA also provides some loans known as the advantage loans and has also approved several community advantage lenders (Delone, 1988). SBA has also introduced the Community Advantage Loans so as enable small businesses meet their management and technical assistance.

SBA also has a Rural Business Loans program which is a lender initiative that enables funding services to the small businesses in the rural areas. SBA Export Loans Program gives a priority to the small business exporters by providing loans to help in the expansion of the small businesses (Delone, 1988).

A Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is an organization that provides financial assistance to the current and aspiring entrepreneurs. An example of a type of Small Business Development Area near my location is the Washington Small Business Development Center. Some of the services offers in this organization includes the promotion of the economic vitality by means of providing advice, training the business people and provides research services to the entrepreneurs and also the existing businesses (Board, 1979).

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