Skills To Enable A Project Manager to Effectively Manage Change

List and briefly describe the skills that will enable the project manager to most effectively manage change. Which one do you think is most important, and why?

Project manager need to have eight key skills to be able to effectively manage change. These key skills include follow-through, personal resilience, organization, networking, managing others uncertainty, coaching, forcing clarity, and trust building. Self-reliance involves individual ability to manage scarce resources. This includes providing support to team members to go through change effectively. Trust-building involves providing relevant information required to enhance change and to provide guidance on how to go about the change. Networking involves skills of interacting with other managers and stakeholders involved in the project development to learn more skills and identify more problems and new approaches to these problems. Coaching skills involves the ability to train members on how to handle change and all related struggles.

The coaching should focus on enhancing personal resilience. Forcing clarity is the ability to ensure clarity in the process of change and to ensure that this clarity is highly understood by those executing change. The project manager should also have the skill to manage all uncertainties related with change. This includes identifying the uncertainties and also in ensuring that others acknowledge them and that they are able to handle them well. Project manager should also have organization skill which involves developing practical plan, thinking via the details of how things will operate and delivering according to the plan. The follow through skills involves the ability to make a follow up to the change progress. The project manager must ensure that changes are successful and no work is left incomplete. This will ensure successful application of changes. Among the identified skills the most important skill is personal resilience (Crawford, 2013).

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