Three Early Toxicologists who Made the Most Significant Contributions to the Progression of Toxicology

Toxicologists refer to scientist that establish the harmful impacts of agents and the molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms responsible for the impacts. Hippocrates 460-370 B.C.E was a Greek physician and philosopher, who have been regarded as the father of medicine. Hippocrates was a contemporary who extensively studied the impacts of mineral, plant, and animal poisons on the body.  Hippocrates in particular made observations on toxic impact of hellebore and copper. He in addition used small doses of hellebore for various diseases treatment. His study is still used to date to filter out the poisonous nature of copper when in contact with human body and hence his contribution in the toxicology field made a great significance in history (Hayes & Gilbert, 2009).

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Mithridates VI of Pontus (132-63 B.E) was a Greek physician and the founder of what is currently known as Hippocratic medicine. Mithridates VI of Pontus made a great contribution in toxicology by testing a huge number of substances or poisons antinodes on himself, prisoners and animals so as to immunize himself over all and any poisons. By so doing he noted possible effect of different poisons or toxic substances when ingested in the body, and hence opening a possibility of using animals and human to test effect of substances on their body (Hayes & Gilbert, 2009).

Read also Six Toxicological Principles that are Applied in Evaluating a Poisoned Individual

Paracelsus was a German/Swiss alchemist and physician best known for coining “The dose makes the poison” concept. Paracelsus is today regarded as the foundation of toxicology. His concept was the foundation of research regarding how the level of exposure and duration (dosage) can create effects on human body. This notion is highly used even in the medical field where patient are prescribed dosage based on their age and extend of their condition, above which it end up being poisonous to the patients, resulting to advanced medical reaction. Paracelsus is selected in this case because his contribution has created great impact in the toxicology and pharmacology fields (Hayes & Gilbert, 2009).

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