Women in Workforce in the 1920’s


The modern women have been at the epic of overwhelming change with respect to the much developments that have been achieved from the feminism front. In fact it beyond contradiction that if one could bring the 1920s women to live in the present life, she would be delighted with the uncountable changes women have brought forth. She would be honored on realizing that she is remembered as the “new woman.”

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The assertion of the crucial role of gender equality towards charting a rationale and the necessary actions with regards to women development within our societal set-up is a self-evident phenomenon. Towards supporting such assertion is the global embrace of women’s meaningful and equal participation as decision makers, leaders and actors. This is backed up from the provision of comprehensive set of stance and recommendations on the gender responsive policy actions. Besides all these the responsive policy action have been majorly pegged upon the assessment of policy actions and investments for the development of women with respect to adequate address of gender equality. This gives support of the capabilities and potential of women besides ensuring the enjoyment of the women’s rights.

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Most importantly, this paper gives an insight of the way women have been able to identify the realistic, practical and clear steps. These are steps that they have taken and would further want to take in order to make a better world for themselves at home and at work, whilst formulating a build of practical skills, initiatives and confidence in taking these steps.

Women and higher paying jobs

There have been a number of changes with respect to women empowerment and changes in the family outcomes. It has been substantially affirmed that the correlation between mother’s education and earnings is stronger (Scott, Shirley and Heather 205). The increasing empowerment of women across the globe through offering of equal chances to both boy child and girl child to access education and get similar qualifications for particular jobs. The merit qualification of the job by the women just like their counterparts, men, have been the first dimension of empowerment in the form of education. Education has offered an array of benefits to a household. The more educated women have basis to command higher wages and they have the ease of securing a better job anywhere across the globe within a relevant field of her studies and beyond.

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Such basis of education has raised the women’s participation in labor market to have grown in a significant rating, for example, by 15% in the Latin America and East Asia in the period 1971 and 1995. This rate was higher than that of men, making the gender gap in wages to narrow down as well substantially.

Hiring of women

Furthermore, there have been massive erosion of the bias that have persisted despite the wide spread participation of women within the labor markets and academic disciplines. The biases have been the basis of affecting the reward for women in participating in the labor market or for securing a higher education directly and indirectly. This persuades girls that they aren’t left out for particular jobs, or may be not as good as men.

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There was limited absorption of the female gender in employment position as the feeling of inferior filled the atmosphere within the perception of the society with regard to women (Dublin 96). But there resulted to some level of equality feeling from women as the motivation to educate girl child enhanced their employment opportunities and thus improvement of the opportunities present to women in the labor market. This became a catalyst basis for the feminine factor treatment towards changing for the better. The economic development in the different nations have led to a change in the nature of work which are more conducive to women. The education background have offered an avenue on which girl child have advanced academically in pursuing various disciplines, resulting to expansion of the demand for women doctors, nurses among other professional jobs.

Equal pay

Research have shown that even in the most-paying and lucrative job opportunities, there is still need to agitate for gender equality among women and men as the female counterparts continue to face a pay gap. The AAUW’s research confirms that even though today’s women are achievement-oriented than men, yet what their paychecks reveal is totally in contradiction. That is, employers are willing to offer higher salary to male counterpart in the same position as compared to the amount they are willing to offer to female employees.

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There is need to eliminate this level of discrimination and help seal the pay gap existing between the different gender. Institutions and companies can undertake job audits to ensure a fair ground and ensure that the salary levels are transparent. Furthermore, towards the achievement of pay equity for the women in all the fields, women also can advocate by honing their skills of negotiation and seeking an advancement of their knowledge and know-how of the job market.

Working women taking care of themselves

A major source resulting to inequality between men and women is the way they are expected to spend their time. Likewise, another source of gain of time as a result of economic development is due to the reduction of fertility, as well as timing change of this fertility. Young women who get married or who have children drop out of school or college and this makes them unlikely to work (Roscigno 249).

On the other hand for those women who gets the opportunity to work and earn their own money tend to pursue some level of autonomy and capacities. This makes them to exploit taking care of themselves, and leaving alone.

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The advancement achieved in the labor markets to incorporate absorption of every gender on equity and merit basis has offered a greater development opportunity to women. A woman who qualifies for a certain job has equal opportunity with men to secure an employment position. This enables this lot of individuals to be able to take care of themselves as a result of the pay they get from the employment. This escalates to those women who are single. This group finds it bearable to make moves on the positive direction towards eliminating the elements of dependency.

Empirically, there have been strong correlation that exist between women’s legal rights and economic development, in diverse areas as access to land, property rights, access to bank loans, abortion policy, and violence against women among other aspects (Breines 69). Economic growth would lead to men willingly surrendering the economic rights to the women. That is, when the significance of human capital in the economy rise with the progress in technology, men are willing to give up some rights to women to make sure that children are given education.

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