How WWII Affected Africa’s Struggle For Independence And European Leadership In The Continent

In the mid 1950’s to 1970’s, most African states became decolonized. About 50 states were formed over a very short period of time. The better part of it all was not how quickly the independence occurred but how peaceful the whole process was. Struggle for independence was only evident in few nations such as Kenya, Angola and Algeria where the colonial powers were unwilling to hand over the nations to their natives. Most of the African nations got their independence with the full support offered to them by their former colonizers (Techio, Bobowik, Paez, Cabecinhas, Zubieta & Espinosa, 2010).

The Second World War changed the ideological priorities and the international order dramatically. The major colonial powers i.e. Britain and America lost their greatness to USA and the USSR which at the time were strongly opposing colonialism. Apart from this, the allies had already won a war in Europe that was strongly supporting the preservation of Freedom. This made it very hard for those supporting colonialism to do so under the newly developed political climate. All this moral issues coupled with the financial expense of setting up a new empire with Europe left the colonizers being so devastated that they decided to leave their colonies (Techio et al, 2010).

The Africans were responsible for driving their own independence couple with the self determination that they gained during the war. The Second World War thus evidently played a big role in the swift acquisition of independence in the African states.

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