

Shylock as a Tragic Hero in The Merchant of Venice

The elements of Shakespearean tragedy have proved to be a difficult subject for many literary analysts in the course of time. The most widely accepted view is that Shakespeare may have used Aristotle’s model of tragedy. However, various viewpoints have confronted this position by citing various inconsistencies. This paper seeks to demystify this premise by […]


Ethical Issues in the selling of Human Organs

Organ transplanting is currently one of the most effective advances in the medical field. The procedure provides a way to save and prolong the lives of patients suffering from organ failures. However, in the recent past, the issue of ethics and morality involved in the process have raised numerous questions on the rightness or wrongness


Applied Social Psychology Theories

Social psychology seeks to understand how people think, feel, relate, and influence one another. This sort of influence can be either actual, imagined, or implied, which further means that individuals are predisposed to social influence even when other people are not present. Since the concept of human behavior is a product of the interaction of


Do Bilingual Children Experience Language Delays?

Introduction             Scientists estimate that at least half of the world’s population is bilingual. This makes bilingualism a norm instead of an exception. Although bilingualism is less common in the United States than the entire world in general, about a quarter of the country’s population can comprehend a second language, and given the current rate


Article Review – Balancing Priorities: Decision-making in Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The article seeks to explore how businesses cope with short-term pressures while implementing newly modelled supply chains that are fitting for competitive and demanding business environments of the modern era. The specific research problem being addressed is the balance between short-term profitability and long-term environmental sustainability in supply chain management. The authors, Wu and Pagell


Characteristics that Make a Board of Directors Effective

The board of directors is the key apparatus for attaining top-level separation of control and management functions. Typically, the board receives authority for control from stakeholders of the concerned corporation, with its roles being is hiring, firing, compensating, and guiding top management on behalf of the shareholders. This form of delegation occurs because each shareholder


Effects of Exile on the Arab Identity

Authors, cultural historians, and academics have exchanged their idiosyncratic views on history, literature, art, and the meeting of cultures in order to assess the effect of exile and identity, whether voluntary or imposed, temporary or permanent, upon a group consciousness or upon an individual’s mind. In spite of ethnic, linguistic, and geographic differences, the essential


A Reflection on Stop Stealing Dreams by Seth Godin

Business man, open speaker, and writer Seth Godin communicates his convictions about how the modern generation has bargained the industrialized tutoring framework because of the internet and “the association economy” in his manifesto “Stop Stealing Dreams.” His main thesis is that the original goals of education have outlasted their effectiveness and that it is the

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