

The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Having a clear comprehension of the past is an essential tool, which the law enforcement agencies require in order to prepare for future crime trends and be able to develop appropriate practices for investigation and prosecution of computer crimes. This is, also, necessary for conducting research regarding all the past, current and future features of […]


How Personal Values And Ethics Influence Decision Making

Personal values, as well as ethics, influence how individuals formulate decisions. The values determine an individual’s outcomes, as well as goals, in life and the related decisions. The goals that an individual chooses and the related decisions made are external expressions of his or her personal values. The individual makes decisions based on the values.


Disproportionate Minority Contact or Confinement

Factors contributing to DMC (Disproportionate Minority Contact) DMC refers to minority youths’ overrepresentation in particular criminal justice systems. There are various factors that are thought to be responsible for the overrepresentation. First, the child welfare that the youths enjoy as children exposes them to the systems substantially. Minority children are more represented in child welfare


Understanding Cultural, Ethnic And Gender Differences By Managers

For businesses to be effective it is imperative for managers and professionals to value, respect, recognize and capitalize on the differences of the individual coworkers and employees in the business environment. Most time we observe stress in the work place constituted by the differences among the employees (Sackman, 1997).  Valuing and showing respect to these cultural,


Community Policing and Problem Solving Method – Westwood Community

Abstract This paper deploys a Community Policing and Problem Solving Method (COPPS) in the process of pursuing a just course in the curbing a serious ongoing crime problem in the Westwood community. The paper applies the scanning, analysis, response, and assessment (SARA) principle in the tasking the COPPS philosophy towards addressing the community’s crime problems


M6A4: A Patient with Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated by a Medical Illness

Surgical complications are highly likely to result from operative procedures, and healthcare providers are required to adhere to evidence-based strategies in order to prevent surgery associated infections. The main reason why the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) was implemented is to improve the quality of care offered to surgical patients by decreasing surgical complications (Anderson,


The Necessary and Proper Clause – United States Constitution

This paper gives the meaning of the clause “Necessary and Proper”, and elaborates on the consequences of the ruling in 1790 by Chief Justice Marshall that still affects people to date. The U. S Congress has its specific duties and powers numbered in various areas within the constitution. The clause “Necessary and Proper” is listed


Arne Duncan’s Leadership Traits and Behaviours

Arne Duncan is an American administrator born in 6th November 1964 by Starkey Davis Duncan and Susan Goodrich, and he has been secretary of education in United States since 2009. Arne had previously operated s chief executive officer for the Chicago Public Schools district serving in between 2001 – 2009. He was brought up within


Assault, Battery, And Crimes Against Persons

Assignment Instructions Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Compare and contrast the key similarities and differences between the crime of assault and the crime of battery. Provide one (1) example of each crime to support your response. Determine whether or not the jurisdiction in which the crime has occurred should


ITM301 – Computer Technology and the Networked Organization

When designing a technology, as well as network, platform for a business, its size and number of staff should be considered. The platform should be capable of arranging the business’ resources in ways that meet the business’ operation needs directly and proactively. The platform’s structure is hinged on the needs directly. That means that a

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