

Written Analysis of a Particular Metaphor

Whenever a person thinks or speaks about learning he or she over and over again resorts to metaphor. A metaphor puts forward a correspondence particular aspect amid two extremely dissimilar kinds of things (Nonaka, 1991). However, it is worth making a note of that although the metaphor focuses at least one feature in which the […]


Emerging Information Technology Trends Research Paper

Information Technology is evolving at a higher rate. Businesses have to try and keep up with these trends so as not be left behind. Marketing has been evolving very significantly over the past half-decade. At the core is the evolution of the digitally-connected customers(Kohavi, Rothleder,& Simoudis, 2002).  This reflects the rapid change between the transactions


Leadership Critique – Transformational And Transactional Leadership

Introduction The type of leadership in an organization determines how far that organization can go regarding its set goals and objectives. The management is most important part of an organization that provides leadership to the subordinates through the various communication channels. The management may pass various instructions to the supervisor, managers or directors who then


Comparison Of Qualitative And Quantitative Research Approaches

A research refers to  an investigation  undertaken  with an aim of generating knowledge, the tasks of research is to generate the exact  information  that will guide in the decision making  process, the systematic  investigation  involves the gathering of information using the  appropriate instruments of data collection, for example use questionnaire or the  sampling process, quality


Impact Evaluation as a Type of Program Evaluation

Program evaluation is basically a systematic method for the collection, analyzing and also using information so as to answer question about the policies, projects and also programs. This is particularly about their efficiency and effectiveness. In both the private and public areas, the stakeholders are often interested to know whether the programs and projects that


Socialization Sample Research Paper- Social Behaviors

Factors that contribute to attitude             A feeling, opinion or belief of either disapproval or approval towards something, constitute an attitude. Attitudes are acquired over a lengthy period of time through the process of learning. More often than not, behavior is a reflection of formed attitudes and beliefs. The formation of attitudes can occur in


Importance of Cultural Diversity in Multinationals

Globalization has made the need and the diversity in multinational organizations an inevitable aspect. According to the fact diversity remains a significant organizational challenge, with employees finding it vital to have the abilities needed in a multicultural work place. Managers, supervisors as well as leaders have to be open to training themselves and others within


Consumer’s Bill Of Rights As A Road Map For Future Legislation By Obama

In February 2015, President Obama announced the release of the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights Act’s draft. The draft offers more comprehensive legislations that will help protect the rights of U.S. consumers better than the existing legislations do. Presently, the existing laws regulate privacy on sectorial basis such as financial privacy laws, health privacy legislations, and

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