

Ethical Issues in Multicultural Counseling

United States is made up of a combination of numerous cultures from different geographical regions. These cultures have come together combining the diverse aspects of their cultures to form one complex country governed by the same constitution and laws. Looking at the American world you can confuse it for a harmonized society in terms of […]


Individual and Collective Learning Theories

Introduction Literary anthropology refers to an exploration of the significance of literature in shaping lives and behaviors of human beings, particularly in historical, social, and cultural settings. Anthropology views human being as creatures capable of learning and teaching (Pelissier, 1991). Anthropologists have largely focused on the socio-cultural processes that surround education and through their extensive


Learned Helplessness – Health and Sports Psychology Presentation

Seligman’s reformulated (1978 and later) model of learned helplessness The reformulated model states that the foundation of depression and helplessness deficits is a person causal contribution to their self for bad events. Reformulated model is crafted from attribution theory. Attribution theory generally deals with how individuals attribute causality of events. Depressed people tend to make


CIS 331 Reliable Pharmaceutical Service Final Project Plan

CIS 331 Reliable Pharmaceutical Service Final Project Plan Instructions Imagine you are the head administrator at Well Being Hospital, a hypothetical local health care facility. Your task is to communicate with Get Well Drugs, a major U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer, in order to determine if the drugs supplied by this manufacturer are within benchmark standards set


Issues of Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chain Management – Annotated Bibliography

Alderson, W. (1957). Marketing behavior and executive action.  Irwin: Homewood, IL, 1957. The author of Marketing behavior and executive action article, Alderson, defines the management of a supply chain as the measures and approaches that help harmonize suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and retailers to actualize specified qualities and quantities of goods, their distribution to the right


Internet fraud in the United States of America

Internet Fraud Internet fraud in the United States of America and all over the globe have defraud a lot of people every single time by use of the internet to persuade victims to send money or even to  give out their personal information. There are several types of internet fraud and they include; (Ståhlberg &


Typical Manifestations Of Discrimination In The Workforce

Equality in the Work place Persistent inequalities in organizations, employment, housing together with a wide range of other social domains has been renewing interest in the possible discrimination role. Most of research especially involving African Americans and other racial minorities have proved that there is discrimination in the work place, in housing, and also in


Cultural Identification – Azande Culture Vs Christianity Culture

Component Parts of Culture Azande Culture Christianity Culture Kinship and Marriage There is a strong patrilineal bias with respect to kinship in the Azande society. Relationships are rarely traced back for a couple of generations. Marriage is viewed a contract that is fulfilled by payment of bride-wealth (Baxter and Butt, 1953). The father is the


Drug Abuse And Overdoses And Treatment In Dayton, Ohio

In less than six months, nearly over 400 people in the Ohio have lost their lives due to drug overdose. Dayton, just like the rest of American cities has faced the synthetic opioid fentanyl flooding the society. In Ohio, predictions have suggested that the deaths as a result of drug abuse in the year 2017

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