

Martin Luther King Jr, His Work, Assassination and Achievements

Who was Martin Luther King Junior? Martin Luther King Junior was an African American, Baptist minister and civil rights activist born in January 15, 1929 to Martin Luther King Senior and Alberta Williams King in Atlanta (Marshall, 2002). King initially felt resentment against the whites due to the racial humiliation he and other African Americans […]


Dazed and Confused – Plot, Cast, Direction and Humor

Dazed and confused is a drama, comedy film directed by Richard Linklater starring Matthew McConaughey, Jason London, Rory Cochrane and Wiley Wiggins. This evaluation will be based on the film’s capability to fulfil the criteria of plot, cast, direction and humor The film is an uproarious, unpretentious and absorbing revelation of high school life as


100-Piece Wood Block Set by Melissa and Doug

A variety of toys are available in the market today all claiming to enhance the physical and psychological development of children. New toys have been invented and modifications have been applied to existing toys to keep up with technological evolution and market needs. However, there are those toys that have withstood the test of time


Strategic Management at Google

Google Inc. is a giant technology company incorporated in Delaware that provides a wide array of internet-related technology solutions including its famed internet search engine tools. Since its establishment by founders Larry page and Sergey Brin, the company has continued to grow to date by applying a range of management strategies. The original vision adopted


Platoon (1986) – Movie Review

Platoon (1986) movie portrays the realities that ordinary soldiers are bound to encounter in the battlefield. It particularly focuses on the Vietnam War (1962-1975) and narrates the accounts of individual members of one of the platoons of soldiers that are sent to secure the American Battlefront in the war. Chris Tylor, the narrator of the


Symbolisms in Ralph Ellison’s story “Battle Royal”

The Battle Royal is a short exerpt from Ralph Ellison’s novel Invisible Man, which subjects the narrator into a violent, disordered world where the principles that govern the society bear no significance at all. The narrator’s involvement in Battle Royal reveals to him the true nature of life. Essentially, the story highlights the struggle that


Online Reviews Vs Company Advertising – Literature Review

The use of the Internet as a place for voicing opinions, criticisms, and approvals has become conventional in the modern day society. Prospective buyers, particularly millennials, are now increasingly evaluating products based on information that they have gathered from online reviews. At the same time, companies that strive to establish a market presence and publicize


The Politics Of Same-Sex Marriage

The legal and cultural consensus that denies the validity of same-sex relationships and marriages has been confronted and capsized over the course of the last five decades. As a result, the term marriage has evolved from its conventional man-woman relationship into a more inclusive expression that takes account of other interactions in the lesbian, gay,

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