

A Memo to Recommend a Plan for Change

To: Vice President Pontiff From: General Manager RE: PLAN FOR CHANGE In the last one year I have had the opportunity to understand the operations of the company and the employees’ way of working. I have also recruited three managers in the hope of streamlining operations, increasing profits and achieving the company’s goals. Despite this, […]


Ethical Dilemmas that an Assistant District Attorney is Likely to Face While Serving his Prison Term and Probation

Ethical Conflicts in Correction             The United States prides itself as the home of the free and has been an enormous influence in the international stage for many years. Through its constitution and other documents like the Declaration of Independence, the country strives to protect the rights of its citizens. However, domestically, the United States


Somali Gangs and Juggalos Gangs – Traditional Vs. Neo-Traditional Gangs

Introduction             Pike (1873) was the first to report about active gangs in Western civilization in widely acknowledged chronicler of British crime. The history of existence of gangs in United States indicated that perhaps gang may have existed as early as 12th century(Papachristos, Braga, & Hureau, 2012). However, studies indicated that more structured gangs appear


Should Organizations Offer Merit Pay Increases

The current competitive market place means organizations must achieve high performance for them to remain profitable and competitive in the market. However, the greatest challenge would be how to attain and sustain such high performance levels. One such way is through merit pay, which serves as a source of employee motivation, while paying for their


Influences of the Era of Enlightenment

Most of the ideas that were developed during the era of Enlightenment underpin most of the elements in the present American society (American Library Association, 2007). Those ideas have shaped the political, social and economic aspects of United States. For instance, the idea that a government is a form of social contract between the people


Does Tata Possess A Distinctive Competency?

The purpose of this paper is to explain the fact that Tata Company possesses a distinguishing competency in the global market. The Tata group is a global enterprise comprising of over 100 independent operating companies with its headquarters in India. It was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata. The main mission for the group is


Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration

Public Interest, Administrative Responsibility and Some of the Recent Ethical Obligations Confronting Public Administrators in Their Day-To-Day Decision Making Public Interest             The concept of public interest can be defined as the general well-being and welfare of the people, in which all the people have a stake (Stone & Ostrower, 2007). The citizens have equal


Location-Based Tracking Technology And its Use By Merchants, Government Agencies and Security Enforcement Agencies

Merchants, Government Agencies and Security Enforcement Agencies Collecting Data Using Location Based Technologies             The location-based technologies employ a real-time geo data from the Smartphones to provide security, information or entertainment (Goodrich, 2013). Activating the location-based services in one’s Smartphones allows the user to get information regarding the location of restaurants, entertainment spots, and to


Chest Physiotherapy For Children

Chest physiotherapy is described as a process of bronchial hygiene which includes specialized cough technique, vibration, chest percussion, postural drainage and turning. Chest physiotherapy helps the children to remove excess mucus from the lungs. Most often, chest physiotherapy for the children is required when they suffer from lung illness. However, the treatment can be prolonged


The Giver Film and the Novel – Compare Contrast Essay

Most well-written novels such as The Giver by Lowry are adapted into a film, despite the differences found between the movie and book, the central theme of showing humanity and society and the idea of the right of an individual to feel, think, and remember what makes us human are the same. The Giver portrays

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