

American Nursing Association – Professional Organization for Nurses

Introduction One of the profession characteristics is the presence of a professional culture that nurture the ethos and values of the profession in the midst of its members. In most cases, this professional culture is maintained and nurtured via the actions of organizations profession. In nursing profession, professional organizations are established to advocate collectively on […]


Islam versus Christianity – Compare And Contrast Essay

Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamic monotheistic religions, with both believing in one God though Christians believe in One God in holy trinity; God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The two religions have holy book containing God’s message to His people, with Muslim Quran being written by one prophet; Muhammad and Christians’


CMIT 321 Executive Proposal Project

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the student’s ability to research and evaluate security testing software and present a proposal for review by executive team members. By completing the document the student will also gain practical knowledge of the security evaluation documentation and proposal writing process. The project will enable the student to


Parenting Styles in Caribbean, Dominicans Relating to Gender From an Anthropological Perspective

Introduction Parenting refers to cultural attainment activity, which mediates via the prevailing molarity grammar and subject to the effect of competing claim-makers groups. The fathers and mothers transformation into parent historically coexists with the increase in the affinity to reinterpret rearing of children as a skill, instead of an integral characteristic of a relationship of


Intimate Violence in the United States

Intimate violence is a form of abuse that is experienced among sexual partners. It can be manifested in different methods that include psychological, physical and sexual abuse. Intimate violence can happen in different circumstances that include instant violence initiated by normal argument, relation terrorism where one person assume a more powerful position in the relation


3 Labor Relations Process Phases

The process of labor relation contains three phases that include administration, negotiation, and recognition. The recognition phase defines the responsibilities and legal rights of management and labor union representatives. This stage defines the labor law that defines the behaviors, and responsibilities of managers and union representatives. The phase also defines the workers right to join


Crime Mapping

Crime mapping refers to a process of utilizing a geographic information system to carry out spatial crime problems analysis as well as other related police issues. Crime mapping facilitates statistical and visual analysis of the spatial crime nature and other forms of events. It permits analysts to connect different sources of data together, as per


Not-for-Profit Organization Sustainability Analysis -The Salvation Army Case Study Report

Introduction The Salvation Army is a not-for-profit Christian movement which provides social services to socially secluded and most disadvantaged families and people in the community. Salvation Army was established in Australia in the 1980s, and has been operational since them providing more than 1000 social activities and programs via a network of churches, community centres,

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