Christianity Contemporary Trends – The Charismatic Trend

Which of the six (6) contemporary trends found in Christianity today listed by Fisher do you believe has the greatest potential for impacting the growth of the Christian Church in America today?     

From the six contemporary trends found in Christianity today listed by Fisher, the one that I believe has the greatest potential for impacting the growth of the Christian Church in America is the Charismatic trend. This features a form of Christianity that emphasizes on the works of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and even modern-day miracles. It is one of the fastest growing trends in Christianity today, and followers frequently speak in tongues, perform miracles and even prophecy (Kim 259). Most of the meetings are mainly for prayers and spirited singing, dancing and shouting “in the spirit”.

This trend has the greatest potential for impacting the growth of the Christian Church in America today mainly because of these supernatural activities that go on. One of the reasons why Christians go to church is that they are in search of answers, or solutions to their problems. They need to feel like they are in a Church where God is truly present (Kim 259). Unfortunately, many people associate charismatic characteristics with the presence of this supreme being, a factor that may not be entirely true. There are still doubts on whether the Charismatic trend is scriptural. Many scholars argue that it is simply a way for Satan to take people away from the bible. This is because this trend rarely focuses on the bible but on these supernatural things such as spirit filled worship and miraculous healings.

Second, America is presently challenged with various incurable diseases. For most people, the only place they can run to is the church for spiritual comfort. This is yet another reason why this trend can impact the growth of the Christian church today. Once diagnosed with incurable diseases, most non believers choose to turn to God for treatment. This is because there is no more hope in science, but everyday people get healed after being prayed for and anointed in the Charismatic trend (Kim 260). The testimonies given by the newly healed on the media lure most people to turn to this movement, and thus they end up increasing the Christian population in America.

Another reason why this trend may impact the growth of the Christian church today is the fact that they prophecy. It is possible that someone who is already a member has a friend who is a non-believer. When such a person is prophesied to that God has said something, or wants him to repent and come to church, most people become affected. Quite a number have been influenced to change their ways and join the church because of such prophecies made about them, most of which are not even true (Kim 260).

Sometimes, this trend increases Christian population in that human beings are curious. Most people join because they want to go and see for themselves the miracles that are happening in church. They want to witness the holy spirit working on demons, the crippled being healed, and many other things that do not happen ordinarily (Kim 263).

In conclusion, this Charismatic trend greatly impacts the growth of the church in that it has ways of luring people to come and become part of its congregation. Since it is one of the fastest growing trends, it greatly impacts the general growth of the Christian church today.

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