
Corporations and Psychopathology

Dr. Robert D. Hare (Ramsland, n.d.) has been a consultant foe the FBI on psychopaths for over 30 years. He has developed and tested the “Hare psychopathology checklist” that has been well validated through the clinical research in psychology. Through this research, Dr. Hare makes connection of psychopathology (Achbar & Simpson, 2003b) to many corporations’ behaviors. He discovered that some organizations are known to exhibit the six key areas identified by World Health Organization on their “personality Diagnostic Checklist” in the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which include:

  • Callous unconcern for the feelings of others
  • Incapacity to maintain enduring relationship
  • Reckless disregard for the safety of others
  • Deceitfulness: Repeated lying and conning others for profit
  • Incapacity to experience guilt
  • Failure to conform to social norms with respect for lawful behaviors


Review and consider the connection between corporations and psychopathology. Also examine how psychopathology might impact a corporation’s social responsibility.

NOTE: Build an argument as to whether or not most large American corporations are psychopathological and exploitive, with little regard for social responsibility. In your argument, explain what you think are the root causes of this (for either position). If you believe corporations do exhibit psychopathological characteristic, explain what might alleviate these. If you believe corporations are not psychopathological and exploitive, explain what is keeping them from being so.

Corporations and Psychopathology and how Psychopathology might Impact a Corporation’s Social Responsibility

Worklife has been related to both psychological wellbeing and mental health problems. Characteristics of particular working environment seem to increase susceptibility of workers to mental health issues. Occupations with low skills discretion and/or high work pace increase the risk of developing mental condition (Gamperiene et al., 2006). Toxic work environment is highly likely to result to distress. Experiences that include to excessive job demands together with low social support or low control over work can result to distress. The experience of lack of balance between effort spent at work and received reward, employees unfair treatment by the management are specifically stressful. If such experiences are prolonged they can result to advanced mental and physical health problems (Kivimaki, Hotopf & Henderson, 2010). This clearly shows that corporation can play a great role in development of psychological problems. Psychopathology reduces workers connection with an organization. The organization is unable to cater for workers wellbeing and hence, the workers are unable to invest in the wellbeing of others stakeholders. This makes it hard for an organization to invest in corporate social responsibility since its work environment does not promote it.  

Read Also Psychopathology And Criminality – Sample Paper

Psychopathological is experienced in different organization. However,, it is not common in American corporations operating inside America due to tough laws employed to protect workers. American corporations are cautioned against discrimination, occupational safety and health, minimal wages, workers benefits, leaves and minimum working hours among other things. This makes it hard for them to subject workers in exploitive and psychopathological condition. In addition, high level of competition among American corporation forces them to nurture and develop talents rather than subjecting them to strenuous situation that can make them to consider quitting.

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