Most Critical Step of Concept Analysis in Theory development In Nursing

The framework of theories in nursing science created in a vibrant progression that occurs from practice and replicated through research, primarily through development and analysis of ideas and concepts.  Usually, science comprises of progress from common sense to valid assessment that is mostly not well defined and ineffectually executed (Shattel, 2004). Construction of a body of knowledge in a particular area depends on the clarity of a particular concept, but lack clarity results in less consistency in nursing science than the expected. The major dividing forces behind developing concepts of nursing are providing names and models for practice.

Consequently, a concept is defined as an ultimate mental construction detailed in line with an occurrence or a phenomenon that is necessary for construction of theories and research development. Additionally, concepts consist of theoretical aspects of veracity and, as a result, symbolize more than mental images and words as they capture the intricate nature of these attributes.  Further, concepts can also be recognized as abstract and cognitive illustrations of apparent reality incorporated through indirect or direct occurrences. For that reason, a concept must be integrated into a framework and join in a way that permits and offers meaning and application, and thus progresses information in a certain area.

Which step of concept analysis do you feel is most critical to theory development?

Determining defining attributes can be likened to signs and symptoms, and the most significant step that assists in distinguishing one concept from the other connected concept and elucidating its meaning. Also, there are three key defining attributes which identified the concept is overcoming:  the capability to understand or recognize a behavior, event, or situation exists and is adverse, unhealthy, or impending. Secondly, demonstrated willpower and readiness to change and overcome the situation, behavior, or event; a belief that efforts to modify and defeat the event, situation, or action will advance your life quality (Ramirez, 2007). Overcoming defined as an analytical method of beating a self-perceived difficult challenge, adversity, or circumstance, so as to live a happier and healthy life. Always, this step of concept analysis is the most critical in theory development.

Steps of concept analysis

Determine Defining Attributes

Consider and think of attributes as features or characteristics (Walker, & Avant, 2011). It is the first and most vital step of concept analysis.  However, this step is not strictly progressive, find out and take notes for different concept functions. For instance, look for attributes that appear and those that capture your attention.  Since your goal is to come up with various concepts that allow you distinguish different concepts.

Identify Model Cases

Recognize and identify a model case that will illustrate the concept, and include all the defining attributes. Always aim for a model example that clearly shows the concept, and without distracting the elements (Walker, & Avant, 2011). It is vital for a colleague to review your model case.

Identify Additional Cases

As you search and discover functions of your concept, and probable defining attributes, you will come across other additional cases and attributes of your concept that belong to contrary, related, illegitimate, borderline, or invented model cases (Walker, & Avant, 2011). Therefore, recognize that these are not your actual model case but rather additional cases

 Identify Antecedents and Consequences

Consider situations, contexts, events, or environments, which must exist before a concept can be present (Walker, & Avant, 2011). An antecedent always takes heralds a concept, and a defining attribute cannot be a forerunner of the target concept.

 Define Empirical Referents

It is the last step in concept analysis, which serves as means to establish the existence of a concept. It is done by measuring the defining attributes, although some of the defining attributes are more abstract and difficult to capture (Walker, & Avant, 2011). Consequently, when dealing with an abstract defining attributes, it is vital to use empirical referent, to measure and recognize the attribute.

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