Cultural, Legal, Security Issues and Concerns to Considered when Developing a New Technology

Cultural, Legal, Security Issues and Concerns that Can Impact American Culture, that Must be Considered when Developing a New Technology

            There is growing need for new technologies that promote information sharing and communication (Zhang, 2011). There is no doubt that information is power and key to improvement of life for the individuals who have access to it. The use of electronic systems penetrates into government, workplace and private lives and thus can pose a substantial impact on the lives of its users (Edewor, 2004). Therefore, any development in the information technology must involve legal, cultural, and security relationships.

            When developing a Smartphone application, it is important to note that the application can influence the lives of its users and those who are around them. The application can be a source of power and as such, there is need to structure the application such that another network or computer cannot control the information, thus ensuring its efficiency and reliability (Malaguti, 1992). Providing proper security protocols comes in handy in ensuring the privacy of information. The smart phone application may require the user to enter personal information and this will require proper security measures to safeguard such information. This is inherent because loss of privacy may attract legal issues from the users. The legal issues governing privacy is of important concern and the development of the application must ensure that privacy of information is assured at all costs.

            The other issue of concern to take into consideration is the nature and purpose of the application. An application has a potential to influence the lives of its users and there is need to consider the cultural implications of the application (Zhang, 2011) . For example, a dating application may influence the behaviour of the teens, which use the application. Therefore, it is necessary that a cultural consideration be made and appropriate security measures be integrated into the development of the application to limit its use to the intended age groups. The application should have mechanisms for strong passwords and registration process that involves the user inserting personal information to authenticate his/her age.

Cultural, Legal, And Security Mistakes That a Company Make When Working On the Development of a New Technology

            Technologies stretch across the society, which has varying values and traditions. New technologies have provided people with the capacity to do the things that they would never do, in an anonymous way (Zhang, 2011) . When new technology is developed, it provides a platform where people interact, share, find love, socialize and find other people who share similar interests. Such anonymous interactions in the platforms offer a leveling effect. However, when developing new networks, a company may forget to provide maximum-security protection and thus allow an infiltration into the private lives of the users. A security breach has many implications on the individual life and the societal values and ethics of workplace.    

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The other mistake is inability to safeguard the use of the new technology for the intended purpose.  In addition to making taking proper security measures, there is need for measures to be taken to ensure that the new technology serves the intended purpose. Lack of proper measures to define the population set that can use the technology as well as providing no information regarding the same can lead to a misused of the new technology. For example, a technology developed for data sharing must state clearly the terms of use of such technology in order to ensure that the buyers or users of the new technology are privy to terms of use. In the event of a misuse, the developers shall suffer less legal damages.

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