Evaluating Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Quantitative Research Designs


The general quantitative research design structure is founded in the scientific techniques where deductive reasoning is applied. In this case the researcher creates hypothesis which are related to the research questions that are normally founded on the purpose of study. These hypotheses are highly based on the available theories addressing the research subject. This is what determines the kind of research design to be adopted in quantitative research that contains various research design methods. The hypotheses guide on collection of data that is employed to investigate the problem. The data is then used to test whether the hypothesis is true or force and hence, assisting in making the final conclusion in the study (Burkholder et al., 2016). This paper focuses on evaluating a quantitative research article to find the association between the research question, hypothesis, theory, the research problem, research purpose, and research design.

Evaluation of the Research Question and Hypothesis

The research questions are logical extension of the purpose statement in this research. The researcher intends to address the identified theory gap by answering the two provided research questions. The two research questions try to find out whether cultural variation between a supplier and buyer lower the joint supply chain negotiations profit outcome and whether cultural variations moderate the effect of bargaining strategy and trust on shared profit results. These questions are clearly the best to address the identified theoretical gap regarding how cultural variations affect interaction between buyer and seller. The research is based on the experimental quantitative research design which focuses on testing the research hypothesis that is derived from the research question. We can therefore say that the two research questions align well with the research design. The research data are gathered using negotiations simulation which captured the activities that takes place during negotiation noting on how they influence cultural variation influence the negotiation techniques and how it influence common profit. Thus the research question aligns with the employed data collection techniques (Babbie, 2017).

The research is based on quantitative research which involves experimental research design. The research is based on inferential questions which follow from a theory. Thus there are no descriptive questions seeking to describe responses to major variables and there are no inferential questions seeking to contrast groups or associate variables. The research variables include seller and buyer negotiations which is dependent on culture, which is independent variable. The variable in the inferential questions are consistently positioned from independent to dependent variables in inferential questions. The paper contains four null hypotheses that are provided in a predictive manner. The four research hypotheses are highly consistent with the two set research questions. The research questions and hypothesis illustrate that the research will be conducted in a business negotiation set up where buyers and sellers from different cultures will be involved, but they fail to mention the actual research participants (Babbie, 2017).

Identifying the Type of Quantitative Research Design

There are various research designs that can be used in quantitative research. This research has adopted experimental form of qualitative study were simulation strategy is employed to collect the required data. The researcher used 78 MBA student from one of business schools in US from different cultural background; different countries. The participants were divided into two groups; buyers and sellers. Data was gathered by use of buyer-supplier dyads negotiation simulation, where different buyers negotiated with different sellers with intention of reaching an agreement, and asymmetrical distribution of profit evaluated. The paring of buyer and seller was based on their cultural background information. The negotiation was guided by the provided instruction. The simulation focused on joint profit, where the aspect of trust and bargaining strategies were evaluated using a follow-up questionnaire (Ribbink & Grimm, 2014).

Analyzing Alignment among the Theory, Problem, Purpose, Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Design

The research paper is focused on the growth of the study regarding supply chain globalization which requires great interaction of buyer and sellers with different cultural background. Although the matter has been intensively researched on the researcher realizes literature gap with respect to theory on how cultural variations influences relationships between buyer and seller. This defines the research problem and from it the paper develops the research purpose of evaluating how the cultural variation theory in the global supply chain influences interaction between buyer and seller (Ribbink & Grimm, 2014). This directs the researcher into developing the two research questions which are used to develop the four research hypothesis after effective evaluation of the current available theories addressing the identified matters. The hypotheses are then employed in defining the research design to ensure that they are effectively tested and a conclusion drawn based on the adopted research design. In this regard, there is a high level of alignment among the theory, the research problem, purpose, question, hypotheses, and the research design (Babbie, 2017).


Quantitative research normally aims at establishing the association between dependent and independent variables in a population. It can either be experimental or descriptive in design. These designs are highly influence by the identified research problem, the proposed research purpose and the defined research questions and hypothesis. The analyzed paper focuses on experiential quantitative research, a design that is adapted after effective consideration of the theory, research problem, research purpose, questions, and hypothesis.


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