Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Summary


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a significant strategy applied in order to attain the best quality care to patients and families. Studies have shown that the practices based on evidences reduces drastically the uncertainty and challenges witnessed in both healthcare professional and patients. Additionally, evidence-based practice enhances the outcome of the patients as compared to the customary practice(Benner, et al., 2009).Research indicate that patients who receives treatments grounded on the evidences from well-made studies experience nearly 30 percent improved outcomes. The definition of evidence-based practice indicates that two distinct factors must be factored in; research application, evidence-based practice and research conduct. Research application is defined as “the use of investigationinformation, frequentlygrounded on single research in clinical practice.” However, the term “research utilization” frequently is used inter-changeably with evidence-based practice, research application is but a portion of evidence-based practice.

Evidence-based practice is therefore define as “problem-solving method to practice that includes the careful use of up-to-date best evidence in making choices about patient care.” One viewpoint is to reason basing on one’s practice on current evidence, or investigation that has been directed to applyingpresent literature or evidence on which to base one’s practice. For example, to create a practice modificationfounded on the best evidence, one would carry out a literature exploration and judgmentallyevaluate the literature(Rogers, J. L., 2009).As soon asthe best practices are identify, the practice modification can take place. Nevertheless, in the occasion that evidence does not occur or is harshly limited, a logical research study is necessary. Carrying out a research can deliver the essential evidence on which to base nursing practice.

History of evidence-based practice

Archie Cochrane, a British epidemiologist, established the evidence-based practice program in which his inspiration and devotion were important in assisting individuals make informedchoices about healthcare. Cochrane’s effort is utmostapparent in the Cochrane Database of systematic reviews, printeda number of years after his death in 1988(Ridenour, J., 2009). The database comprisesof greatlydesigned and systematic reviews on a gathering of importance healthcare topics. In addition, Sigma Theta Tau international offers systematic assessments, known as worldwide on Evidence-Based Nursing, to monitor nursing practice athwart many importance topic.

Key Facilitators

In an attempt to overcome obstacles, Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt have recognizedinitiators to evidence-based practice: managerialsustenance and time to seriouslyevaluate literature for pertinent and best evidence, in addition to theexecuting and appraising findings. In addition to these approaches, it is important for the federal agencies, health insurers, healthcare organizations, programcreators and governingbodies’supporter for and necessitate the use of evidence-based practices(Newhouse, et al., 2011). The American Nurses Credentialing Center has recognizedimportantfeatures of Magnet-recognized hospitals, comprisingintegration of evidence-based practice all over the organization. The Magnet Recognition Program, established by the center, identifies healthcare organizations that offer the greatest in nursing care and support the convention of proficient nursing practice. The program also delivers a mechanism for distributingfruitful practices and approaches among nursing structure.

Key Steps

Evidence-based practice follows six steps in the systematic review. The six step are applicable to various fields of nursing in the healthcare practice.

  • Step one: formulating the question: The investigator transforms the requirement for information about a monitoring problem into a responsible query. For example, instructors might desire to recognize why they cannot substitute 100 percent of learners’ clinical practices with imitation. Thus, investigator might cultivate the subsequent accountable question: in prelicensure programs are clinical practices with authentic patients important for public safeguard.
  • Step two: identifying and collecting evidence: The investigator explorations and recover sprinted outcomes of educations. This step necessitates an inclusive appraisal of databanks and websites to safeguard that all pertinent primary research have been gathered.
  • Step three: Appraising quality of the evidence: The investigator analytically examines the evidence for its rationality and influence, or consequence size and for significance to the question.
  • Step four: Processing data: The investigator excerpts and synthesizes the data, assimilating them with supervisoryknow-how and the tenets of public safeguard.
  • Step five: Disseminating Findings: Outcomes are conveyed to a broader policy public, and best practices are recognized
  • Step six: Evaluating effectiveness and efficiency: Continuous excellence enhancement is accompanied in an exertion to pursue ways to expand.


Evidence-based practice, a problematic resolving method to using best evidence in making choice about patient treatment is no longer a choice for staff nurse. Patient treatment must be grounded on evidence for ideal result. Equally significant as applying evidence as the basis of superiority patient treatment is the carrying out an investigation to seal the breaches in present nurse literature. While nurse can be trained how to carry out evidence-based practices at the bedside, continuing sustenance is essential from nursing supervision. This provision is critical in enabling an evidence-based practice principles within the health care facility.

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