Females Are Evidently Different From Males – Argumentative Essay

By and large, from an early age, almost everyone realizes that there are obvious variations between female persons and male persons. The variations are mirrored in actions, emotions, and even attitudes. Quindlen (2011), in the “Between the Sexes, a Great Divide” essay, explores the variations. She comes off as convinced that girls and boys are and have always been elementarily different. She presents the typical middle school dance as the venue where the variations become most obvious. According to her, the marked divide between females and males is starkly clear from the floor where the dance happens. Even then, she contends that as girls and boys become older and older, the gender-linked variations between them become fader and fader as the boundaries between the traditionally gender-assigned roles die away. I find that submission disagreeable. To me, it is clear that the variations remain unchanged throughout everyone’s life. In this essay, I demonstrate that males and females are evidently different from each other, socio-culturally, psychologically, and even physically.

There are psychological variations, albeit less evident, between females and males. Even though the psychological variations are challenging to describe, they considerably affect how females and males form, as well as maintain, relationships, including workplace relationships and marriages (Nicholson & Nicholson, 1984). One of my friends is a psychologist. He frequently asserts that males and females approach differently, males and females approach the experiences constituting life differently, and males and females work differently. Males and females parent differently, males and females love differently, and even that males and females ask for particular directions differently. Such differences emanate from the actuality that the psychological wiring of males is different from that of females (Aries, 1996). In numerous cases, females express heightened physical alarm reactions to perceived threats or dangers. The males’ sympathetic, as well as autonomic, systems have a higher arousal threshold and lower reactivity than females. More females than males are more concerned about life-work balance while more males than females are keen on statuses and the related symbols, including cars and houses (Nicholson & Nicholson, 1984; Seabright, 2012). Women and men do not attach the same value to recognition, money, and the balance. Psychologically, women are more likely to express or share own emotions than men to relieve themselves of stress. Notably, males are highly likely to mask their emotions in line with long-running social expectations and since the expression of the emotions does not afford them considerable physical satisfaction (Aries, 1996; Gray, 1992; Nicholson & Nicholson, 1984). Other psychological variations between females and males include that women are more likely than males to fight in conflict situations, the typical female has more friends than the typical male, and women are more capable of multitasking than males.

It is an unquestionable actuality that females and males have different physical features. The differences in the features are starkly obvious. They are all observable and measurable. Anatomy, size, weight, and shape are not mere opinions (Aries, 1996; Gray, 1992). They are measured easily and are tangible. The differences in the features offer individuals functional strengths. The differences have considerable survival value. By and large, males have more upper body strength, put on more muscle easily, develop thicker skin, and have more resistance to physical injuries than females (Nicholson & Nicholson, 1984). Females have a higher awareness threshold regarding injury extremities than males. Elementarily, males are built for corporeal conflict and the utilization of physical strength. A man’s joints are well adapted for throwing items. The physical features of the typical male are linked to a particularly male pull towards reckless conduct and high-speed engagements, which frequently entail collisions with vehicles or other men (Aries, 1996; Gray, 1992; Nicholson & Nicholson, 1984). In own spare time, males appear to charge, as well as crash into, others much. Women have highly comparable numbers of brain cells on both side of own brains and thus can zero in on multiple problems concurrently. On the contrary, men have more brain cells on own brains’ left sides, and thus cannot zero in on multiple problems concurrently. The certainty that females and males have unlike physical features is absolute (Aries, 1996).

Even though I agree that females and males are and should be equal before every applicable law, I am convinced that the equality, or similarity, does not extend to other spheres. Their equality before the applicable law in no way negates my position that males and females are plainly dissimilar to each other, socio-culturally, psychologically, and physically. The “Great Divide” alluded to by Quindlen (2011) is and shall always remain alive. The socio-cultural persuasions and sensitivities of males are different from those of females. Besides, females are psychologically, as well as physically, different from males.

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