The Future of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism

Having a clear comprehension of the past is an essential tool, which the law enforcement agencies require in order to prepare for future crime trends and be able to develop appropriate practices for investigation and prosecution of computer crimes. This is, also, necessary for conducting research regarding all the past, current and future features of emerging strategies in digital crime and digital terrorism. This paper provides comprehensive information on the future trends of digital crimes and digital terrorism. It will cover, among other things, the overall economic and social impact of utilizing information technologies in combating digital crime and digital terrorism.

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The world of today is more interconnected as compared to the way the situation was in the past. Although this interconnection brings many advantages, it also, provides a huge opportunity for increased risk of digital crime and digital terrorism. As most people around the world become increasingly reliant on modern information technology options, they become more susceptible to cyber-attacks like social media fraud, spear phishing, and corporate security breaches (Taylor & Fritsch, 2014). In considering the economic impact of utilizing information technologies to combat digital crimes and digital terrorism, it is worth noting that the economic situations of the United States and other developed economies around the world shape their continued exposure to various aspects of digital crimes. On the legal front, it should be clear that various legal traditions and regimens alter the possibilities and costs of responding to various aspects of digital crimes and digital terrorism.

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There are a number of existing challenges that result from the independent nature of the law enforcement agencies within the U.S. in regard to computer crimes and terrorism. The web or internet is just a void that does not have a face. If any person does the right thing using the internet, it is usually difficult to uncover their identity. This is the similar situation that exists with an individual who commits a crime using the internet. Besides, proving an individual’s guilt is as difficult as proving the identity of the culprit. In most cases, therefore, the masterminds behind the threats do provide means and tools for committing digital crimes only for the innocent victims to get caught in the cycle. Challenges, also, exist in terms of ensuring adequate technical and analytical capacities for law enforcement. Besides, most digital criminals work in environments that are borderless where there are laws of multiple jurisdictions (Richelson, 2015). Challenges, also, exist in terms of raising awareness and implementation of information security practices. In order to mitigate these challenges, the U.S. requires implementing a solution that is in form of a three-legged stool: practical experience, technology and legal remedies. In terms of legal remedies, the existing laws as well as the functions of local and federal officials require evolving in order to combat the growing digital crime and digital terrorism. The embraced technology should be the kind that provides satisfactory protection. This implies that real-time intelligence should be employed to prevent digital attacks. In terms of real-world experience, it is essential for law enforcement agents to have knowledge of the behavior of digital criminals.

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In order for federal agencies to protect the nation against digital crimes and digital terrorism, the U.S. government requires employing technologically innovative people to work in federal agencies like FBI and Secret Service. The government should, also, ensure the presence of adequate cyber security and bureaucratic structure policies. Besides, there should be establishment of an effective reporting and regulation practice in order to enable federal agencies counter the growing trends of digital crimes (Carter, 2012). The government should, also, sponsor federal agents for further training to develop their skills and improve the overall effectiveness of federal agencies in regard to protecting the nation against digital crimes and terrorism.

In regard to the future trends in digital crime and digital terrorism, the number of crimes reported to law enforcement agents regarding electronic media and computers will continue rising. This will provoke changes in resource allocation and the level of knowledge that prosecuting attorneys will require (Gibson & Krohn, 2013). Virtual offences against persons will continue increasing following the noticeable expansion in social networking sites, personal computing, and networking. It should, also, be clear that computer hacker gangs will rise in developing economies due to motivation from money, politics and religion. The U.S. should create and implement strict digital crime policies in order to succeed in combating digital crime and digital terrorism.

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In conclusion, having a clear comprehension of the past is an essential tool, which the law enforcement agencies require in order to prepare for future crime trends and be able to develop appropriate practices for investigation and prosecution of computer crimes. In considering the legal front, it should be clear that various legal traditions and regimens alter the possibilities and costs of responding to various aspects of digital crimes and digital terrorism. Challenges in combating digital crimes exist in terms of raising awareness and implementation of information security practices. In order for federal agencies to protect the nation against digital crimes and digital terrorism, the government should ensure the presence of adequate cyber security and bureaucratic structure policies.

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