How To Avoid Plagiarism In A Speech

To plagiarize a speech means directly using other people’s words or ideas without acknowledging the source. In order to avoid plagiarism in a speech, there are straightforward rules that a speech reader needs to follow. This include acknowledging sources in the written form as well as in oral form by the speech writer and presenter respectively (The University of Southern MIssissippi, 2010). Therefore, the important aspect that the speech writers and the presenters need to observe is to cite the source of the ideas and wording regardless of direct quoting or paraphrasing. As oppose to speech presentation, rules governing plagiarism are more established in writing since the writer is required to follow a particular writing style format such as Turabian, Chicago, CBE, MLA, Harvard and APA. It is important for the speech writer to cite the source within the speech and at the end of the document at the reference page. Regardless of the writing style adopted by the writer, it is mandatory to cite any information used to support the ideas being presented in the speech including direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Read also Action Plan to Prevent Plagiarism

Avoiding plagiarism

            It is important to note that avoiding plagiarism in writing and speech does not only entails staying away from the troubles and utilizing researched information ethically, but also it involves earning respect. Studies have indicated that accessing information for research is easy, but to incorporate these information into the speech without bridging the rules of plagiarism is a challenge to many writers (Muskegon Community College, 2016). There are six ways that a speech writer may use to avoid plagiarism in writing and presenting a speech. These six ways are simple steps that helps the speech writers and presenters to ensure that their papers are free of plagiarism. These six ways are:


Upon locating the information that supports the ideas of the speech, it is the work of the writer to read the information, comprehend it and put it into his/her own words. The writer should paraphrase the information and ensure that not more than two words are verbatim copied in one sentence (Turnitin, 2016). If the writer finds it challenging to avoid copying two words in one sentence, then he/she should use quotation marks.


            Analysis have indicated that citation is a perfect way of avoiding plagiarism in speech writing and presentation. It is upon the writer to follow the speech’s writing style guidelines such as Chicago, Harvard, MLA and APA which depends on the institutional requirements (Turnitin, 2016). This involves the process of indicating the author and the date of publication within the speech.


            Quoting is the process of using exact words as it appears in the researched information and enclosing with the quotation marks (Turnitin, 2016). Depending with the institution, the writer can quote 40 words or more. It is important to note that misquoting an author may result to plagiarism.

Citing quotes

            This is a simple process that entails citing the paragraph number or page number which is commonly applicable in the legal profession.

Citing own material

            In most case, the speech writer finds themselves borrowing information from their previous papers. It is important for the writer to note that information from their previous research work should be treated as if it was written by someone else (Turnitin, 2016). Therefore, the information should be correctly cited in order to avoid self-plagiarism which is against the rule and ethics of writing.


At the end of the document the writer is required to present the author of the information used, date of publication, the title of the information, the publisher and the city of publication. The reference should meet the formatting guidelines of the institutions.

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