How to Grow the English Ivy Indoors – Process Essay

Growing plants indoors is now in fashion around the world. For many, having plants in their purlieu reminds them of the severed link between humanity and the natural world. Typically, individuals are oblivious of the variety of life forms throbbing around them and, therefore, entirely fail to appreciate the magic of life. For the few who have come to this sudden realization, growing plants in their abodes is the closest that they can get to this natural spectacle. In recent years, flora connoisseurs have renewed their love for exotic plants by embarking on a quest to plant them within their personal spaces. A favorite of many aficionados is the evergreen English ivy (Hedera helix) popular for its ability to climb walls. While many adore this particular plant, few have attempted to grow it. However, it is not as difficult as it might seem. All it requires is a set of simple tools, a little patience and, soon enough, your English ivy will emerge from an unassuming clipping.

 I have been attracted to the English Ivy all my life. How it grows and emerges from just a straightforward cutting has always enthralled me. My first encounter with this magnificent plant was at a local botanical garden where it reigned supreme. Nearly all the surfaces were covered by this unusual climbing plant that seemed to take on a life of its own. Its flowers often blossomed during summer and gave the allure of a beautiful plant always ready to expose its grandeur. Though its aerial rootlets have an affinity for surfaces, it is possible to grow this unfamiliar plant indoors while allowing it to thrive in a new environment. The key is in recognizing the direction of the alternate petiole leaves and guiding the plant accordingly when just as a tender plant. Since it is instinctively attracted to sunlight, darker indoor environments are critical in curtailing its growth. This allows for a manageable size that does not exceed its carrying capacity. To grow your plant, you will require the following essential materials; an English ivy clipping, a trellis for climbing, a three-inch pan, water and a regulated amount of sunlight.

 First, remove any leaves that may be present on the actual plant. This seemingly simple action ensures that the clipping’s chances of development are at tan optimum level, making sure that no impediments exist. It is also vital to ensure that the actual cutting was cut from the section where the leaf joins the stem for it is this area that ends up producing the roots needed for growth. Also, cutting the stem at a slanted angle is integral. Many view this as an aesthetic approach to planting, but it has been scientifically proven that this technique increases the rate at which roots emerge. The next step entails filling the pan with water and proceeding to submerge the clippings into the water. Soaking them for five days usually finally results in the emergence of roots. Wait until they are about four to five inches long before proceeding to the next step. Finding the right location serves ones best interests and promotes the growth of an English ivy plant right through adulthood. Nevertheless, one should make sure that the clippings are exposed to the right amount of light at this stage since it promotes the active growth of the young plant before becoming ready for transfer.

 Secondly, even though the English ivy has, time and again, been said to be extra resilient care still needs to be provided to the growing clipping. At this stage, it is at its most vulnerable and chances are that any neglect may lead to its death. As a rule of thumb, an area with plenty of sunlight is a paramount requirement. The energy obtained from the sun helps fuel its growth and fuels its rate of progress. Additionally, good drainage greatly benefits the plant and averts any instance of stunted growth. The right balance of water promotes quick growth since moist soil provides the best environment for the development of houseplants. Watering should always be done when the plant is dry to avoid instances where a young plant is still being drenched in this vital fluid. Always check that the leaves remain healthy since this is the only indicator of a sheet that is on the verge of demise. Turn down the thermostat to a manageable temperature during the night since these plants enjoy cooler evenings. Adding nitrogen-rich foods and other types of foliage fertilize the plant while providing them with additional nutrients. Hooking them on a trellis will ensure an upward sprout that avoids the ground. In around five weeks, this air-filtering plant will be fully grown and well worth the painstaking effort.

 Growing ivy indoors is a simple process. All it requires is time, dedication and care. The materials needed for this endeavor are locally available and, within no time, the plant will be covering your trellis.

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